Keeping Bunny Comfortable?

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Sep 18, 2017
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I took Garnet to the vet today for head tilt and decreased appetite. I didn’t catch the name of it, but it’s a bacteria that typically lays dormant in bunny muscle and sometimes it randomly pops up. Because Garnet’s is very mild, they prescribed Panacur once daily for a month. However, I notice that she seems to be quite uncomfortable. She’s not in pain, just isn’t as comfortable as she typically is. I was wondering if there is anything I can do at home to keep her comfy as she recovers? I added extra blankets in her cage for more padding, and I have her contained so I can monitor eating and litter box habits. If anyone has any other tips on keeping her nice and comfortable, or if anyone has any thoughts on her symptoms or diagnosis please feel free to reply. Her blood tests should be coming back in the next few days and aside from the head tilt she was cleared.
Definitely sounds like E. Cuniculi, so giving panacur should prevent the progression of disease. Just wondering what you mean by “not comfortable”? What is it she is doing? But tbh it sounds like you’re doing everything you can, the extra padding will be nice for her and just give lots of cuddles and reassurance when you can!

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