Kaytee timothy products

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I give mine Timothy Complete Pellets (currently) but I am starting to use Oxbow. See this thread, maybe you are payign too much for your pellets:


I also used Kaytee Timothy Hay, and I thought it was a bunch of crap! Mine never ate it, and it seemed like I would pick up and handful, and half of it would fall out because it was so weak, and the pieces were all practically dust. Now I order form KleenMama's Hayloft (75% Timothy, 25% Bluegrass) and they LOVE IT!

So do I, hehe! I can stick my head in the bin, and it smells so sweet and yummy. They just gobble it up. It isn't to expensive either:


i like kaytee timothy AND alfalfa hay. i also sometimes use the bermuda and orchard grasses as well. nemo eats it up like none other.

but nemo also doesn't eat pellets so i have to mix up his hay diet, which is why i use a bunch of different ones.

i used the meadow mix once....peter's meadow mix or whatever. and then i was told that they spay/neuter their animals within like 6 weeks of birth or something and sell them off to the pet store, and i am not supportive of that.

no more of the meadow mix!!!

Mine go crazy over kaytee timothy hay. I just wasn't sure if it was healthy enough.

I pay $10 for a 96oz bag and comparing it to other places it's definately worth it. Is there a good way to get rid of dust though?

Alfred is 5 months on December 24th.

The timothy pellets are good for adults. I forget how old Alfred is, but he probably still needs alfalfa pellets. BTW, I don't really like any of Kaytee's alfalfa pellets, you're better off going to a feed store and getting a 16% protein pellet made for breeding rabbits. If you can't use up the big bags, just take what you need and donate the rest to a shelter. You'll still save money!

Their timothy hay is ok, but I find most packaged hay to be really dusty from all the packaging and shipping. I mainly buy bales from local farmers. $5 for 40 lbs, woo hoo! I used to order 20 and 50 lb boxes of hay from Oxbow, which is cheaper than buying little bags of Oxbow or Kaytee in stores and also was usually less dusty. If you want to buy online, there are a bunch of different good vendors to try.
sure naturestee that makes sense. but the thing is, i have one lone bun, and all that hay would go to complete waste. plus i live in a condo, where can i stick a 40 pound bale!?!?!?! before i knew you could get it at petsmart, i bought one of those bales from a feed store. that was the first AND last time! i left it in my friends driveway and said have your trash people take this away, woof. it was $4!!!

tiabia0 wrote:
What stores are "feeder stores" that I could get bales?

Go here:

and search for "feed store", then put your location in the location spot :).

I agree, wasting money on small packaged hay....REALLY wastes your money. I am ordering from Kleenmama's on Thursday. I have to buy the small bags of hay right now because I live in Arizona and can't find any good hay bales from the feed store. It is all really yellow and gets left out in the sun with a tarp over it....birds land on it...wild rabbits are near it...more and more reasons, lol.

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