Kali's not looking so good... again

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TK Bunnies

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
Ok so we had taken Kali in a couple months ago for the sneezing and after a couple unsuccessful tries we finnally got an injection that worked (see old thread http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=44669&forum_id=16&jump_to=605454#p605454) the cold symptoms went away and Kali became her happy energetic self. The only thing was that she had a bit of swollen eye, the little bit of skin that sort of 2nd eyelid was larger then normal, I figured it would just go away after a bit since all her other syptoms were gone, and it's always been a bit like that. But now it's worse, her eye is sort of protruding farther out then the other eye and the swollen bit is farther out in her eye then ever. Today her eye is also running like crazy.

There's also anouther issue, on the her back between the shoulder blades she's getting some fur loss, now she's sheding and I originally thought that this was just a scratch or a shedding thing but now I'm worried. The hair is gone or growing back in places and there are also sores like scratches between her shoulder blades.

I'll post pictures of her eye and the sore once my camra's done charging. So what's going on? Is this something she needs to go to the vet for?


I'm afraid you could be in for a battle. :(

Do you have photos of the eye?

I'm not sure where it progressed from your previous thread but I suspect the vet just treated the symptoms and didn't look closely enough to find out the cause of the sneezing and discharge.

Or the bacteria has gotten a stronger hold and invaded other areas.

Poor Kali could have an abscess stemming from an elongated and/or infected tooth root (common in older bunnies) and/or an abscess behind her eye or close by. If she's lucky, it could be a swelling of the 'third eyelid' or conjunctivitis (an eye infection), but there's more likely another cause. Make sure the vet looks for one.

To find out for sure and to fix the problem may be very expensive, but she almost assuredly needs immediate treatment to deal with the pain and probably save her life in the long run.

The best course of immediate action will probably be to get injectable penicillin and try and get the size of the abscess under control. She'll need shots of PenG or Bicillin (I never remember which is best for what) every day or two for several months.

That may work, but she may need dental surgery or other procedures. I think an x-ray may also be in order.

Check in our Library under 'Eye Problems' and see if it matches anything there. The penicillin treatment may be good for that as well.

I hope you can get her to a rabbit-savvy vet ASAP. She's probably in a lot of pain, or will be soon (if it's a head abscess).

Here's the Eye Problems link: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=14567&forum_id=10

And a few more from there...



Sorry, this is fairly drastically edited from my original post, please ignore the first version.

sas :pray:

I know that we never got to talk before but if your mom wants to call me I'll be home tonight and part of tomoorow....
it isn't easy to find a vet around here to treat this so I may be able to help you

if you are not going to Madison to the University with her

the vet that I would recommend is Pet Medical Center

3rd St in Winona Mn ; the vet is Dr.Laurel Lougas

I'll send my phone number again
Ok here are pictures of the eye, she wouldn't let me touch her to get her back, she's acting like she hurts... :(


Bad eye


Bad eye


Front View :(:(


This is a bad picture, but this is her good eye


Good eye


These 2 are the only two pictures of her back I could get, and you can't see what I'm talking about but you can see the patchy fur




The pictures in this article look a lot like the the condition with Kali"s eye
You could print out this article and take it to your current vet. I have a feeling that he will most likely refer you to an animall opthalmologist but I'm not sure as I don't know who your vet is.

it is going to need to be seen and treated.

Kali is so beautiful; I almost forgot what she looked like.

I'm really sorry to hear that she has developed this problem

She probably has fur mites which can be treated with revolution ( not frontline). Sometimes mites are latent and become active when the animals immune system is compromised .
Ok, I think it's probably the just the 3rd eyelid that's acting up because if it was an elongated tooth or abcess wouldn't she not want to eat? Would it hurt to eat? Because Kali is very much like a small vacum when it comes to food, she practically inhales it and she's always chewing on something.

I was sort of wondering about mites, but I figured that Vin would have shown signs of them to (I found some hair loss on Teacup but no scratches). But I think you're right, the bunnies could have pick them up from the mice... mabey (we live in an old farm house so there are always a couple mice running around in our walls).
angieluv wrote:


The pictures in this article look a lot like the the condition with Kali"s eye

Mabey... I'm not sure, her's just seems to be lengthing out over the eye, not bulging our of the side, altough if it was swollen it but didn't actually protrude out of her eye socket would her eye swell up like it is now?

I'm going to get some treats and go up with my camra to see if I can get some better pictures.
Here are some pictures of the eye:


Bad eye


You can really see the bulge here (Kali and Vinagan)


This is a bad picture but you can see how watery it is


Up on the spare bed


You can really see the difference in this pic

Here are pictures of the back, they didn't work that well because the base of her fur is white, but this is the best I could do:




The scratch seems to have sort of scabbed over, but there was one there.





This one isn't actually any help, I just like it


eye and back
Woops I forgot to do this:

- Location: In doors: House rabbit

- Description (Breed, color., weight): Rex, fawn, 8.8 pounds

- Age: 5yrs

- spayed/neutered?: yes

- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output:
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal? yes, a little extra hair inpoops, butthet're shedding
- When did they last use their litterbox?This morning
- Any unusual behavior?
Not really

- Medical History -- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? Yes see old thread

- Diet - what does your bunny eat?Pellets (food), timothy, treats: pinnapple, apples, dandillions, parsley, mint, carrots (this week)
- when and what did s/he eat last? This morning

- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? Yep, she was kicking up her heels this morning

- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach?Not really, no

- has the rabbit been outdoors? Nope
Yikes, yeah it doesn't look good. I don't think you should go back to your usual vet, as the treatment from the previous issue was not enough and I also worry that there is an abscess behind her eye. If it were my bunny, I would go to UW-Mad vet school, mostly because I know they're good, but also because it's potentially so serious. It is quite possible that she could lose the eye. The reason I worry so much about an abscess behind the eye is from the history of a runny nose/pasturella infection treated with Baytril, and the extent to which the eye is protruding.

I also go to a good vet here in Madison, Dr. Christman at Healthy Pet Veterinary Clinic, but I'd want to go to the vet school since I know they have lots of diagnostic tools available, including x-ray, which would be really helpful in this situation to see if there is an abscess that can be seen on x-ray there. I think your current vet doesn't really know what they're doing and will only cost you more money (or her eye or life) in the long run. I don't want to sound to harsh, but he didn't do a culture on a URI that appeared to be resistant, and the antibiotic he prescribed did not do the trick and now you have to deal with this really bad infection. It may be more expensive at first, but in the long run it will be worth it to go to an expert.
Aw poor Kali. I hope the best for her . May she recover soon.
Ok, Madison's too long of a drive from where we live. Actually we were wondering about a small animal hospital that's in Eau Claire (since it's only about an hour away from where we live), we've never taken the rabbits there before, but I think they do rabbits. Plus somebody is giving the rabbits at the humane shelter a check up and we're guessing that it's them.

Anyway, since the last vet wasn't that great I talked it over with my mom and she read over this thread and we agreed to print our everything you guys have told me about abcesses, 3rd eyelid infections, pateruella, this theard and the other one, and what ever else might be helpful for then and us.

My mom said that we'll see if we can get her in on Wednesday, so... I guess we'll see. I hope that this is a good vet, it would be such a releife to have a rabbit savy vet only an hour away.
Sorry, I got that mixed up, we're calling on Wednesday, and we are going to try and schedual the appointment on Thursday.

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