Just wanted to make sure this was normal?

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Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Palmyra, Virginia, USA
I read somewhere online, before getting little Meru, that Rabbits don't particularly like getting wet. So I use all preventive measures to keep her from having this happen, such as....When I fill her water bottle, I wipe it down so there's no droplets on it...Yet oddly enough; no matter where I put the water bottle, she has a tendency of putting her head directly beneath it. When I stick my hand in to pet her, the top of her head is wet. I'm just scared that this is bad, and can cause her to get scared.

Also praying that this is good.

Meru, often times lays her body flat down. One second she'll sitting up nibbling at her food, next thing I know, she throws herself straight out in her cage and rolls over to her back. Then she settles onto her side, and just lays there-- I assume she's sleeping at these times. This happens frequently, especially when she's been out of her cage for a while, or has finished eating TONS.

Sometimes she'll even do this outside of her cage. Just wanted to make sure it's normal and/or a good thing. :pray:
Meru wrote:
I read somewhere online, before getting little Meru, that Rabbits don't particularly like getting wet. So I use all preventive measures to keep her from having this happen, such as....When I fill her water bottle, I wipe it down so there's no droplets on it...Yet oddly enough; no matter where I put the water bottle, she has a tendency of putting her head directly beneath it. When I stick my hand in to pet her, the top of her head is wet. I'm just scared that this is bad, and can cause her to get scared.

Also praying that this is good.

Meru, often times lays her body flat down. One second she'll sitting up nibbling at her food, next thing I know, she throws herself straight out in her cage and rolls over to her back. Then she settles onto her side, and just lays there-- I assume she's sleeping at these times. This happens frequently, especially when she's been out of her cage for a while, or has finished eating TONS.

Sometimes she'll even do this outside of her cage. Just wanted to make sure it's normal and/or a good thing. :pray:
The water won't hurt her. Silly girl getting her head wet.

Congratulations! You have experienced a "Bunny Flop". Believe me, the first time Dobby, our Champion Bunny Flopper" did that, my husband thought he was hurt. He did exactly what your Meru does and gets real still. Scared the heck out of both of us.

Meru is absolutely a normal bunny. Bunny flops are good things.

K :)
Thank you so much for answering! I'm super happy to see that she's doing normal things. I'm also happy that she started letting me pet her more frequently.

She's such a hyper-active thing.

Again thank you so much! This takes my mind off of some stresses in my life. ~
When I think of bunnies, I don't think strange or normal. I think completely unique.

They are the most misunderstood animal out there. They have their ways of doing things. And their own personalities. Believe me, a year ago, I would have never said this because I was misinformed about rabbits.

So glad my boys taught me what a rabbit is all about. Enjoy having them in my life.

Strange, odd, whatever. They are just special to me. Just not my boys, all of them.

K :)

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