Just received a high compliment!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
On another, very large message board I'm on, someone was asking about rabbit care. This is what someone posted in the thread:

"Marra seems to be the resident expert on rabbits, and from reading her posts, I remember two things..."

She went on to mention about box training and rabbit proofing. :DOh, my name on that board is Marra...it's a geeky board.

Just felt good and of course I wrote a long winded post about rabbit care and gave her the link to here.
Having good knowledge of bunnies is unique.

When someone recognizes your talent, it can really make all the hard work worth while.


~ `Jim

Lately I've been being called upon every time someone has a bunny problem. For instance, my mom's friend from work called and asked what to do if they thought a piece of plywood fell on the bunny's foot. And the other day I was at the vet clinic getting Oxbow and the vet recognised me and asked me to come and give someone bonding tips. It just makes me feel really great and just washes away all those insults I get for the simple fact that I keep my animals outside.

Keep up the good work, it's great when you and otherscan be confident that you have enough knowledge to deal with things.
It felt pretty good, especially as she's a long standing, respected member. And on that board, well, rabbit stuff doesn't come up often. I do my annual Don't Buy Bunnies For Easter thread though, just to spread the word.
Your friend Buck Jones always looked to you as his expert in bonding 3 rabbits. He was always in awe of your ability to have done that.

I'm sure he loves seeing Valuran act as he does now - so loving as opposed to being as timid as he was for a while when you first got him.

The compliments you are given are well deserved. :)

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