Just Bought a Bunnie 1/26

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Buffalo, New York, USA
So I bought my very first bunnie. Shadow is a 9wk old netherland dwarf. Pure black with random gray fur around toes. Only 2 weeks in and we bonded pretty good. More then good which surprises me. Anyway he is awesome, naughty and very independent. While im here tho I have a quick question. Shadow seems to go to the bathroom where he sleep sometimes not very often but I thought they didnt do this? And second he can jump on my bed by himself and tonight which was his first nite gettin up there...he went to the bathroom all over my bed I had to make him get off and I had to wash EVERYthing...so should I expect this or are there soultions to this? Just wondering if anyone else lets there bunnies on thier beds and if they have to wash there stuff everynite or if u found away around it. I dont wanna have to not let him up there with me :( Sorry if this is a stupid question lol. And not sure if u can post pics here or not but if u can Iwill post soon :)
Welcome to theForum!!

Pipp, my little ND, did the same thing when I first got her. She decided my bed was a MUCH nicer place to live... which meant sleeping and going potty there. :disgust:

It took a bit of effort, but what I ended up doing is moving her cage with the litter box onto my bed, and she used that instead. And once she got in thehabit, I quietly moved it back onto the floor, and she just kept using it.


She still pops a few poops every once in a while where she's been sleeping or playing -- I think they just sort of fall out -- but pretty rarely. And they're pretty easy to deal with. Hard as rocks, I have no qualms about picking them up and tossing them back in her litter box.

Shadowwill probably go through another stage when he hits puberty. Pipp becameuntrained again almost overnight. She felt compelled to mark territory everywhere, although she was kind enough to leave my bed out of it that time.She was quite the little delinquent, too. That all cleared up a month or so after she was spayed.

It maybe important not to give Shadowtoo much territory. Some bunnies can't take the pressure. Pipp did better when she didn't have run of the whole house.

Post picswhen you get them! Love to see him! :)

SAS :) and PIPP :bunnydance:

I had similar problems. Mocha was so happy to poop on my bed and claim it as hers that I had to ban her from it until after she was spayed. She also was/still is very messy in her cage. Other people have had success with putting a tarp down on their bed or couch, whichever the bunny thinks he owns. It makes the cleanup easier.

Fey and Sprite sometimes sleep in their litterboxes. It's not too uncommon, it just means that you have to clean them regularly.

And yes, you can post pics here. We love them! If you want, you can start a thread in the Bunny Blog section. That's where we like to share pictures and stories about the bunnies that own us.:)
First of all, welcome to the forum:D. Litter training takes a little work, but it can be done. Begin by placing all poop you find in the litter box. I have also had success with burying urine-soaked paper towels in the litter box. But if your bunny insists on going to the bathroom in a particular corner, you are probably best to just give in and add a second box.
as bunnydude said, try soaking paper towels or litter in the urine and put it in the litterbox.
make the litterbox something your bun will like to chill out in, that really helped with training my one bun, hidey. he sleeps in there sometimes =P i always put hay in there, on the opposite end that he pees and poops at and he sits in there and eats and poops at the same time, always looking like he's enjoying himself, hahaha. if you catch your bun peeing in the wrong spot, pick him up and put him straight in the litterbox and he'll catch on soon enough.
he is a male rabbit, so it will be a little harder, just be patient. is there anyway you could block off your bed until he's litterbox trained?
male rabbits pee in certain places sometimes to put their 'mark' on it and claim it theirs. this problem can be solved by getting him neutered, have you considered that (it would be a few weeks-months yet though, he's too young to be neutered right now)?
Good luck & welcome to the boards! :)
I completely forgot to mention the fact that neutering will help significantly (thanks thbunns:D)
Thnx guys.. He does use his litter box ALOT..so he is litter trained I just didnt like the peeing on my bed. Pooping is fine cuz that cleans up alot better. But the peeing not cool lol. Umm putting his cage on my bed would be difficult being thats its HUGE and HEAVY lol. But I have a minuter littler box for outside the cage, bc the one inside is connected to the inside. So I will try puttin the small litter boc on my bed and see if that works. And he dosnt have a big area to run(well not the whole house anyway) just my room, but when it comes to blocking things off its not to big to be overwhelming. he too little to run the living room. We have cats that like to play aggressivly so we havnt intorduced him yet(we tried but Shadow dosnt show much intrest in any other living things other then me and my mom). He didnt in the pet store either he played on his own w/o his brothers. It why I picked him bc I cant afford another one right now lol. Maybe when he gets older. But thnx ATON for the advice I will try the litter box on bed idea tho. Dont know why I didnt think of that lol. But yeah his cage is huge so its gotta stay on floor lol. Anyother things, stories about when u frist brought ur bunnies home tho would still be great! Any other funny things they do would be good too lol. Well off to try the litter box idea, my bed is a platform bed so its not like I can just keep em off lol too low. Thnx again!
Do you have pics of your bunny? Perhaps you could start a pic thread in the "Bunny Blogs" section. We all love pictures at RO:D
Welcome to the forum Shadows_Girl! :welcome

I have a ND called Pebbles. She loves to go up on our bed. She would dig, and pull on the sheets, binkie or just lay out on the soft covers.

Shehad peeing problems (on my wife's side of the bed) :D, so I now I make her pee before I let her up on our bed. The way I get her to pee is to make her run around for a few minutes on the floor with the litter box near by. Once she does her business, she can come up on the bed.


Rainbows! :note:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I have a ND called Pebbles. She loves to go up on our bed. She would dig, and pull on the sheets, binkie or just lay out on the soft covers.

I have to say this - even with my dwarfs...I'm not a HUGE dwarfs fan...but I ADORE Pebbles...I think she's one of the most awesome rabbits I've seen on this site (and I love them all). In fact - it is partly because of her that I keep my dwarfs and work with them - hoping that someday - they will be as loving...


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