Just asking for positive thoughts/prayers....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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, Illinois, USA
After nearly two weeks' of Baytril (for a bacterial growth) and motility drugs (first Metoclopramide, now Cisapride), Zoe's gut is still way out of whack. Eating a lot of plastic off of her (now-former) litter box really threw her megacolon-ish gut into a free-for-all. :(

I'm just asking for a brief, positive thought/prayer for her complete (and swift) recovery.

Thank you,

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
:pray: That Zoe gets better quickly.

Thank you. :hug:

I've said prayers/affirmations for her health in the past, but I'm really saying them now; a part of me fears that her digestive system may not return to it's semi-normal state due to this latest bout (of enteritis, bacterial imbalance, gut slowdown, etc.). But there's power in numbers; I figured it couldn't hurt to ask others to say a quick lil' prayer for her sake.
One thing my vet did for my one rabbit. She had me get poo's from the others ones and she mixed it all together in a slurry and gave it to the sick one. It started the digestive tract back up and she did fine.
Oh dear. Poor girlie. I hope that she makes it through well and all of this stress will put her system in order.

thinking of you~~
I'll be keeping Zoe in my thoughts. I hope she feels better soon.

Amy27 wrote:
I will be praying for Zoe.

Thank you, Amy, BethM, andJimD, who understands my megacolon bun woes.

tonyshuman wrote:
Oh dear. Poor girlie. I hope that she makes it through well and all of this stress will put her system in order.
It took me about four months to get her fecals nearly normal (in general consistency);she had a total of five good months beforeeating her litter box.:( I suspect it's going to take at least the same amount of time (if not longer) to attempt to balance her system.

Well, I've done it once; I can certainly try to do it again.

I'm really sorry Jen, that Zoe's problems just never end; I know how hard it must be;
I will send a lot of positive thoughts to both of you and I hope that she gets over this soon :pray:

angieluv wrote:
I'm really sorry Jen, that Zoe's problems just never end; I know how hard it must be....
I'm trying to remain grateful for the five trouble-free months that we'd had. But I carry a load of guilt about leaving Zoe with that box for another night after she first chewed it. (We faced it a different way and covered the chewed side with her hay manger, thinking that it would deflect her attention. No so; she chewed on the opposite side the next night.) I should have followed my intuition and removed it after the initial chew fest. :(
Iwill send a lot of positive thoughts to both of you and I hope that she gets over this soon :pray:
Thank you, Maureen. :) Zoe and I take what we can get at this point. ;)
Aw sorry to hear Zoe is doing poorly. What did the vet say? Try not to feel guilty, but I understand how hard it is not to feel guilty since I've been there myself.
What drugs has she been on, out of curiosity? I always wondered if something like coccida was causing issues with your girls, since it seemed to go away and come back, etc.
tonyshuman wrote:
What drugs has she been on, out of curiosity? I always wondered if something like coccida was causing issues with your girls, since it seemed to go away and come back, etc.

The recent/current drugs include: Metoclopramide, Cisapride, Metacam, Bene-Bac, Pro-Bi, and Phytomucil. I've also given her water lightly flavored with Critical-Care to encourage her to drink some extra fluids.

Someone on another forum told me that bunnies who've been affected by Coccidosis typically experience bacterial imbalances throughout their lives; so I'm not overly surprised that the plastic moving through Zoe's digestive tract has irritated it and, in some fashion, caused its slowdown and bacterial overgrowth.

I must say, though, that Emma hasn't had any true fecal-(stasis-)related issues in six months' time. I believe that the biggest factor in Zoe's repeated gut issues is a genetic component: Something within her is malformed or just plain malfunctions. :(
That would make sense, absolutely. It could be like when you take a bunny away from its mom too soon and it doesn't quite establish the right gut flora, and has issues for life. Having coccidosis might make the bunny's GI flora start from scratch or be a bit out of balance forever. Your poor girls, although it's great that Emma's doing better lately (knock on wood!).

Is she improving?
Hugs, love, and huge prayers from us...:pray: :hug: :hearts
tonyshuman wrote:
It could be like when you take a bunny away from its mom too soon and it doesn't quite establish the right gut flora, and has issues for life. Having coccidosis might make the bunny's GI flora start from scratch or be a bit out of balance forever. Your poor girls, although it's great that Emma's doing better lately (knock on wood!).
Yeah, I've learned the very hard way to never bring home a bun that's been removed too early from Mom. :( Still, I feel that we give our girls (Zoe, especially) a good fighting chance.
Is she improving?
In one sense, yes. She's passing fecals, though they greatly range in size (from teeny-tiny pieces to rather larger ones for a bun her size). Her Baytril course has ended, and her fecals no longer smell, but there's litter consistency to them (in terms of size/shape/moisture content/texture).

Plus, she's still having gas episodes, and I'm not sure what to do about them (besides to give her Simethicone and tummy massages). She had one 20 min. after eating 1 tsp. of pellets this morning; she's had other episodes seemingly related to having a little bit of Critical Care-flavored water and even after syringed-fed (plain) water! I'm unsure if I should put her on just hay at this point for a spell, though I didn't want to remove everything else from her diet. (I've already cut out parsley, which also seemed to cause her gas episodes.) :(
maherwoman wrote:
Hugs, love, and huge prayers from us...:pray: :hug: :hearts
:D Thank you.
I think a pellet-free, high hay diet would be fine. Randy does it with several of his resident bunnies, I know.

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