Just a few questions

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
been a while since ive been on here.. school has started..and ive got a few questions about my i think 5 month old mini rex Copper... he's not neurtered yet.. and actually hasnt caused me too much problems.. sure he chews on the carpet but once i tell him no and push him a way from the spot.. he stops. and everytime i hold him infront of my face he licks me non stop. and ill pet him for a while then he'll pull away and try to groom me.. hes just sooo cute!

anywayz time for the questions he likes to scratch his ears a lot kinda like a nervous habbit thing... not fleas or anything, but he has a lil scab on one ear.. what should i put on it? alsooo does your rabbit like to bite your shirt? mine likes to do that.. he never bites me, but likes to pull at my shirt...

also if anyone thinks you can't trance a rabbit that wont let you at all.. not true.. i worked on copper and he lets me lay him on his back in my arms all the time now.. before he would kick/scratch all that stuff.. now its like he likes it.. silly rabbit.
hmm..if he's scratching his ears enough for it to scab, it might actually be mites.

You could try putting a bit of neosporin (just the regular, not the extra strength stuff) on it and see if it heals a bit. But I would get him in to see the vet. My buns were scratching and itching and I took them in just in case, turned out to be mites (theyre microscopic so you cant see them) and I have no clue where they got them!

Anyway, better safe than sorry :)

Copper sounds like a wonderful little bun..I cant wait to see some pics (oh, and mine nip at my shirt all the time if they want some attention) :)

Keep us posted on that ear :)


Yeah, I'd put a little bit of antibiotic ointment on that ear. If the scratching doesn't stop soon, I'd at least call a vet and see if they want you to bring him in. He sounds like he's really getting used to you! Are you going to get him neutered sometime soon? Theodore used to pull on our shirts and chew holes in them all the time. It got to the point where we'd wear an apron if we knew we were going to sit with him for awhile.

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