Jesse's new Addition

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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
His name is Finale. And I'm leaving ina few minutes to go buy him more toys.


Aww he is soo cute :biggrin2:Look at those ears on him! English Lops' ears are so crazy :p
Aww...HI FINALE!!! :D
polly wrote:
he is gorgeous Jesse but jive us a clue how did you come across him??

Well I had an English lop a few years ago. I did very much love the breed and wanted a pet but no one really sold them for under $65+. So I was walking around a showroom looking for some sexy Dutches when I saw a sign for an English lop for $10. Hello PRice range, i'm Jesse. So I asked about him and they said he was just too tiny to be shown and her daughter kept him for so long because she was attached but her daughter decided to try and sell him to make cage space. I agreed to give ''Peten'' a pet home. So I took him home and I had him for about a week.

then one day my best friend's dad passed away. And I invited her to stay the night as a means of comforting her. She came over and I was like '' I know what will make you smile'' and I brought out Peten and those big freakin' ears of his and she fell in love with him and played with him for a long while. I put him back in his cage inthe basement for the night and the next morning around 10AM I went downstairs to feed the bunnies down there and PEten was just....dead. I was like WTF!!!! He was fine last night! Not a mark on him. He just randomly keeled over for no reason whatsoever. And I felt so bad because my friend's dad just died and now thisrabbits he fell in love with last night died. I was afraid she was going to have some kind of nervous breakdown. But I figured I should tell ehr before she asked to see him so I did and she was jsut kind of confused and said '' wow did that happen? that's weird''.

So I moved on and moved out and the other day I was talking to a friend online and I was describing a color to him (I forget it was some odd coloration thats uncommon) and I'd remembered seeing some English with the color so I did a google image search for english lops and one of the pictures near the bottom was of this woman holding up a big quilt made of show ribbons. And I looked closer and I was like "Dude I know this chick, I see her at shows all the time'' So I clicked onthe picture and went to her website. I knew she had English so I spent some time looking at all her bunnies and she had a for sale page and said she had some ''pet'' quality rabbits she was trying to find pet homes for. So I emailed her asking what she had a prices and the cheapest was Finale, whom she was retiring from breeding and show (therefore he came with no pedigree like the other two) and she only wanted $30 for him. I figured she couldn't live to far if I see her at all the local shows so I asked where she was locatedand turns out she was only about an hour and a half away.

I made puppy eyes at Erron and that weekend we were out to Ohio to see Finale. Icopied a description of her house and her phone number and wrote down the directions. It was pretty much a straight line all the way to her house with one left turn half way there. Easy I figured.

Well we missed that turn. And drove for half an hour in the wrong direction. So Erron was like ' I thin kyou should call her'' and I was driving so I told him he'd have to dial the number on his phone and hand it to me and he was like ''You tard! You only wrote down 9 digits!" Cursed ADD I thought to myself. Its happened before....I jsut have an ADD attack in the nmiddle of writing and start writing something else or doing something else. So I called like 18 people in my address book to see if they could go into my email account and get the number.

I called Tracey, Pam, My mum, My Dad, Thier house, Ed, Gail, Mandi,Mylan, and probably a few more people. Finally I got a hold of my sister in law, Sheril. And he was ableto get into my email account and she opened the email and was like '' now what''? and I said '' read me the phone number'' and she started reading and then she's like '' it's missing a number'' and I turned to Erron and said '' AHA! It wasn't my fault!''. So by this time I was supposed to had been at her house an hour ago and I didn't have her phone number so I took the numbers I had and tried figuring out that last number. I dailed all 10 possibilities. None of them were her. I've never dailed the wrong number so many times in one day.

Finally we back tracked until we found the road and she said she was right across from an elementary school. Turns out there's 3 elementary schools on this road. I finally found the darn place and I was like '' i'm so sorry this is what happened...'' and she's like '' no its ok, at least oyu made it!'' and then I gotthe lop and we had a nice chat and on my way out she was like '' jsut call me if you have any questions!'' and I thought to myself' '' How am I to do that if you didn't give me your whole phone number...?"

So Friday I had just ordered new cages and I kept one inside the living room and set it up for Fin. I t ook him to Petsmart and let him pick out some toys because I feel bad he didn't have any toys. I got him a clickity ball and a little cage thigny with a bell on it that hangs from the put tasty things in it. I didn't hang it up though, I started working as soo nas I got home.

I Intro'd him to my husky...who thought he smelled pretty good. So far I think he's happy. We cuddled onteh couch for like 25 minutes yesterday and took a nap together.
He's so handsome!
Timmy and Fiona each have one of those jingly bell things that you can put stuff on. Timmy loves his.
Thanks All.

I'm just thrilled to death that he like...perfectly litter trained himself in 24 hours. I keep his cage door open when i' mhome so he has the run of the living room. And i've been taking him every where with me. I'm offto a ceramics class. Guess who's comin' with....


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