Jazz, Carlita, Slipper AND Husker

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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2007
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Auckland, , New Zealand
Here is a picture of my new bun, Slipper. I have only had him for 2 weeks or less I think. He is 2 and half years old and is mostly healthy and extremely affectionate. He absolutely loves me!

He licks my face and sits on my chest when I watch TV.

Welcome Slipper........


Slipper is getting neutered TOMORROW.
I am a little nervous as I have a new vet. She is an American lady and tells me that she is a huge rabbit lover and has had plenty of experience and done loads of study on rabit care so I hope all goes well.

She will also give him a good check up. Slipper loses his balance at times, drools a bit and kind zones out a lot so I am a little worried. I was told he had an eye infection when he was tiny and is was quite bad and so he may be a little blind in one eye or just not the full quid. Of course its just a guess. I mean he walks into things and is insanely affectionate so maybe something is up. He has a band of scar tissue over one eye, not very visible but it can be felt.

So, isn't he adorable?

Here is Slippers little home, have not finished putting it together so this is a sneak preview, lol.....

There will be a little ramp leading into it and it will remain open for him to choose where he wants to be.


OMG He is ADORABLE!!! Has the vet checked him over for the symptoms you describe? Keep us posted on how his neuter goes ok?

I love the house! DId you make it? Can't wait to see the finished product!

slipper is b-e-a-utiful!!!!! that's a cute name too! keep us posted on what happens with his possible blindness. poor little boy.

not all buns come perfect physically :)


edited to add in: does anyone else notice slipper's resemblance to BK? i miss little BK so much!
I have a few more photos to post, just getting them through photo bucket!!
Hope I get them up now or will tomorrow.

The neuter went fine!!

Little Slipper is doing just great :)
The vet agrees though that he is not quite 100% in some way or other. He does not have an ear infection and his physical health is brilliant, (if a tiny tiny bit underweight) so she said not to be shy with the food....:) No probs there! ;)

Now she kind of compared his little quirks and eccentricities, if you please...to Downs Syndrome in humans...you know, JUST for an easy way to understand him...so IF he were human, then MAYBE that would be how he would appear to others. Does that make sense?

His one eye is covered about 50% with scar tissue but she said he can see around that. We had him out for a bit before the neuter and his wonderful and affectionate little personality did not at all seem phased by the car trip and vet visit.

He was as calm as ever and just as adorable. He is just so laid back.

And yeah he looks like BK. So much. He has quite a different personality though. Whereas BK frightened the cats away, Slipper kinda ignores them...cute.

Slipper is even more affectionate than BK which is hard to imagine but just seeing him does remind me so much of my lost little one. All the more reason to make sure Slipper, Jazz and Carlita have the best possible life here with me.

Well those two pics were taken before the vets today... he did to seem to mind the cage too much but he did hate the camera, he jerked back at the flash on the camera and tried every way he could to turn his back on it so I could not get a pic of his face.

So he is a little camera shy ladies....awwww is such a looker though! :D

i am like, in awe of this bunny. you have got to keep this blog updated lemon!!!! TOOOOO ADORABLE.

how are jazz and carlita? how's the search for a new home for carlita?

Hi Tracey

yeah well he does not have something like that, its impossible for the vet to tell whats up with him, it was just a way for her to describe it so it made a bit more sense.

Really he is okay and he will be fine, he is just a little off centre....and he seems happy so thats the main thing.

I mean he could just be an eccentric little man with habits that seem odd but I am sure glad that there seems nothing to worry about.

His strange habits include drooling but his teeth are all good. He kinda of flops over sometimes to one side while just sitting there, like his has lost balance but she said he had no ear infection. He jerks/trembles quite a bit when he sits still for a while.

He also walks into things and sways from side to side when he stares at me.
Too cute.

Hope he will be healthy over time. No reason at this point to think otherwise.

Aww he sounds like such a little love! And how CUTE! I wouldn't be able to resist falling in love with him, either :) I'm glad he seems happy in spite of his special needs! Where was he before you got him?:inlove: Slipper
Well hi everyone, missed you guys too :)

Good thing is that Slipper does not require much work at all actually. Every day he happily hangs around my feet (or at the moment caged up :( as he is still fertile, too soon to socialise with Carlita as not sure if she has been spayed). Slipper goes for a walk daily on his lead...he is well trained and although he has his own agenda, he onl requires a gentle tug and I can encourage him out of the vege patch!;)

He tires easily though and flops down for a rest after only a 5 to 10 min walk...lol
My daughter walks him when she is here and I walk him on the other days. Carlita goes for a walk too (just around the section) but Jazz hates the lead.

Slipper gets excited when he sees his lead.
He is feeling a bit sorry for himself now though...I think he feels the heat a lot.
I gave him some ice blocks before and he loved that so keeping the ice tray filled for the buns.

It is so hot here!! Humid too.

Some updated pics of my bun family...

Carlita and Jazz.... the girls are very attached


Jazz is in great condition at a year old now and very sweet shy personality.

Carlita is a confident but very messy rabbit, she leads Jazz into mischief and she is ALWAYS on the lookout for treats which she gobbles in twice the speed if Jazz is anywhere nearby. Carlita is terrified of aeroplanes flying overhead and will make insane dashes indoors, sometimes even skidding across the floor...an unflattering look for such a robust bunny...lol


Carlita says "I like to hide from cameras too, Mum has to chase me everywhere for a good pic!!So what are those stupid devices good for anyway, its not like they have carrots attached to them.....oo00oo what an idea..."


I have some amazing news!!!


I go ta lovely surprise from my partner today...I am in photbucket now so photos up soon.

Its a new bunny!