its so hot

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
so just last week we had like record lows in temps. everyone kept asking were summer was.

well, apparently it was found

suddenly we now have 86 degrees with 55% humidity. and no wind.

the 86 i can handle, the humidity i hate, but can live with.

you mix those 2 things with not having any wind at all. and take in the fact that i have no air conditioning.and my house becomes a living sauna.

the buns have pop bottles freezing for some added comfort, and im heading out to visit my parents and their central air.

its gonna be a hot, muggy summer i feel.:(
Tell me about it!
It's hot and humid! We have a heat advisory! Ugh. I was out watering plants and I finally was like "Forget it!" After 40 minutes I went inside. Now I should really go and water the garden. At least there though I can just put on a sprinkler.

Today would be an amazing day to be out boating and swimming though!
its so hot!

but i did go for a quick dip in lake michigan. so nice! i love that my parents house is only 2 minutes from one of the best beaches in the area.

now im relaxing on the couch in the air conditioning at my mom and dads. feel bad for the buns though, they are at home in the giant live oven. at least they have frozen water bottles to cuddle into to and cool down.
100 degrees,68% humidity,swamp cooler and 3 fans blowing thru rabbit barn with window ac on does with kits,still 92 degrees in building.:yuck
Years ago before Tiger Mosquitoes I used to sit out in the back yard shade and hose myself down several times an hour. Now mosquitoes bite during broad daylight so I can't do that any more.
At 10am this morning, it was 92 degrees, with a heat index of 101. Don't know what it topped out at. I'm not sure what the humidity percent was/is, here they usually just report the heat index. The air feels so thick, though, it's hard to move through.

It usually isn't this hot/humid until the third week of July.

Ummm take a deep breath and blow some of that hot weather my way...i'm cold lol...i woke up this morning and couldn't see my was all foggy.
I HATE the heat. Luckily, it has been a very cool summer for northern AZ. Usually we are 97+ degrees right now. It was about 93 outside today, but has been 75-85 degrees. The first day of monsoon season was the other day and there is rain clouds in the sky right now...but no rain yet. I am just glad it never gets humid here.

I love autumn & winter....and can never wait until it arrives :twitch:.