Is VetBed Safe?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2022
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I'm considering using VetBed in Ash's pen (background context below), but he digs and chews up blankets - so I don't know whether it would be safe? I contacted the VetBed company and they said, 'if your rabbits like to chew and rip blankets/ bedding I believe Vetbed will not be suitable'. Now, I know lots of people online do use VetBed for rabbits, and it can help with sore hocks - so I'm not sure what to do. I've thought about getting some VetBed and then putting a layer or two of polar fleece on top so it's harder to pull it apart? I'm not sure if that would work. I just don't have the money to waste on an expensive product if it won't work for him.

Background; Ash has been suffering from sore hocks for a few months. He has layers of polar fleece blankets in his pen, and I apply flamazine twice daily. Unfortunately, there hasn't really been any improvement. I've considered buying hock socks - but I'd have to order them from the other side of the world, and I know he would despise them.
Many rabbit owners do use it, particularly for buns with mobility or sore hock issues. That's not to say it will work well for all buns. It depends on the situation and rabbit. For a very determined chewer that also is at risk of a possible GI blockage from trying to consume excess or more than tiny bits of ripped up fluff, it wouldn't be advisable to use.

But I've also found that sometimes things that I didn't think would work out because of a buns particular habits, did in fact end up working out fine, because the bun didn't end up bothering much with the rug, flooring, etc. So sometimes you just can't know for sure without trying it out, with careful monitoring to observe if it will work out or not.

Vetbed is different than a regular blanket. It will have a different feel and doesn't move about the same way when dug at, particularly the thicker stuff. It's more like a thick pile carpet than a blanket. So maybe your bun won't react to it the same way as a blanket. If you want to try it out, maybe start with a small mat first, and see how it goes. Using the one with the non slip backing, seems like the most sturdy type to try out, to me.

For other possible solutions, I used the fake sherpa fleece fabric for my elderly disabled bun. It's much thinner and not as good as vetbed, but is less expensive. But it is more fabric like, so your bun might be more inclined to chew.

There is the RO member that makes bun socks. But that's coming from Canada, so not sure what shipping to the UK would be. There was a past RO member that used regular baby socks for their sore hock prone buns, I think secured to the leg with either athletic tape or vetwrap. So that may be an option. But it depends on your bun tolerating it. If you do try it, just remember bandaging on a rabbits feet can't be too tight that it cuts off circulation. So if you need help or advise about this, contact your vet.
Many rabbit owners do use it, particularly for buns with mobility or sore hock issues. That's not to say it will work well for all buns. It depends on the situation and rabbit. For a very determined chewer that also is at risk of a possible GI blockage from trying to consume excess or more than tiny bits of ripped up fluff, it wouldn't be advisable to use.

But I've also found that sometimes things that I didn't think would work out because of a buns particular habits, did in fact end up working out fine, because the bun didn't end up bothering much with the rug, flooring, etc. So sometimes you just can't know for sure without trying it out, with careful monitoring to observe if it will work out or not.

Vetbed is different than a regular blanket. It will have a different feel and doesn't move about the same way when dug at, particularly the thicker stuff. It's more like a thick pile carpet than a blanket. So maybe your bun won't react to it the same way as a blanket. If you want to try it out, maybe start with a small mat first, and see how it goes. Using the one with the non slip backing, seems like the most sturdy type to try out, to me.

For other possible solutions, I used the fake sherpa fleece fabric for my elderly disabled bun. It's much thinner and not as good as vetbed, but is less expensive. But it is more fabric like, so your bun might be more inclined to chew.

There is the RO member that makes bun socks. But that's coming from Canada, so not sure what shipping to the UK would be. There was a past RO member that used regular baby socks for their sore hock prone buns, I think secured to the leg with either athletic tape or vetwrap. So that may be an option. But it depends on your bun tolerating it. If you do try it, just remember bandaging on a rabbits feet can't be too tight that it cuts off circulation. So if you need help or advise about this, contact your vet.
Thank you - this is all really helpful! I don't think Ash or Bluebell have ever consumed anything they've chewed/ripped up - I think they just enjoy the destruction itself 😅

I've ordered a 1m x 1.5m section of non-slip VetBed which will cover some of Ash's pen so I'll see what he thinks of it. I have a hemp mat in his pen too - he didn't bother destroying that for months, but last night he ripped it to shreds so 🤷‍♀️
Well that's just rude of him :oops:

Maybe he'll love the soft cushiness of the vetbed so much, he won't insist you remove the mat by destroying it.

If for some reason you decide to try the baby socks, I did find an old post with pics, from the member.

Along with the socks, she also mentioned in another thread, using liquid bandaid to protect her buns hocks. That might be something to look into. I can see it being helpful in protecting the irritated skin. Though can't be used if there is an open sore that needs other treatment (eg antibiotics), and the bun would have to be kept still while it dried. Also sometimes applying things to a buns skin can draw their attention to the area and cause overgrooming, which can further irritate the skin. So that would have to be monitored as well.

But hopefully the vetbed works out and you won't need to try anything else 🤞
Well that's just rude of him :oops:

Maybe he'll love the soft cushiness of the vetbed so much, he won't insist you remove the mat by destroying it.

If for some reason you decide to try the baby socks, I did find an old post with pics, from the member.

View attachment 65458
Along with the socks, she also mentioned in another thread, using liquid bandaid to protect her buns hocks. That might be something to look into. I can see it being helpful in protecting the irritated skin. Though can't be used if there is an open sore that needs other treatment (eg antibiotics), and the bun would have to be kept still while it dried. Also sometimes applying things to a buns skin can draw their attention to the area and cause overgrooming, which can further irritate the skin. So that would have to be monitored as well.

But hopefully the vetbed works out and you won't need to try anything else 🤞
I know! It's a good job he's cute! Here he is preparing to rip down the decorations - for tax 😂PXL_20231013_135646010_exported_7703.jpgHe's a little goblin, but I love him 😅PXL_20231005_150846125_exported_76036.jpgPXL_20231005_150846125_exported_86783.jpgPXL_20230928_203343584.MP.jpg
(and yes - the lovely hedgehog fleece has now been removed from his pen due to safety concerns 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️)

I'm hoping the VetBed will do the trick. The socks look very cute... I would be hated for it, but I could consider it after applying flamazine just to stop him licking it off!

Liquid bandaid sounds interesting - I managed to catch Ash's sore hocks early, so luckily there's nothing other than a bit of inflammation on the hairless patches on his feet (and thankfully he has very fluffy feet so you need to part his fur carefully to find the bald patches anyway). It's good to have another option to look into - I've never heard about it before so that's something to research.

Praying for my bank account that VetBed works 😂 I just need Ash to show some appreciation for my efforts and cooperate!

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