Is this normal??

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Jan 16, 2014
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Angus my bunny is acting very strange lately!

He scratches the tops and insides of his ears all the time. He doesn't have mites I don't think but he has small hard lumps on the tops of his ears which I think are causing the itchyness? He doesn't have dandruff but he does malt a lot of fur all the time. Apparently though house rabbits do malt a lot? Is this right?

He also has been very lethargic when I pick him up he just lays there and flops around making it really hard to pick him up (he loves being picked up normally) he stays in his cage most of the time when he has the free run of the house 24/7 when he is out he isn't his normal self running around chewing everything in sight he just lays there and nudges your feet!

Also I have been checking for poos he normally poos quite a lot in his litter tray but I've noticed there's been normal poos but very little of them. He isn't eating a lot or drinking a lot he keeps knocking his bowls up side down. Does this mean he doesn't like his food?

Oh and also this morning I checked his eyes and teeth and his fur around his eyes were wet so he may have had some discharge. They always look really red and a very tiny boy crusty at times in the corner.

My vet is not very rabbit savvy and I can't seem to find one anywhere that is!!!
I'm quite worried about my little fellow!!
Lack of appetite and reduced pooping, lethargy, along with a change in your rabbits behavior, all point to your rabbit being in pain and very unwell. If he is actually floppy as well when you pick him up, this could be very serious and you need to take him to a vet immediately, TODAY! With the runny eyes and scratching the ears, it could be an ear infection of some sort. Your rabbit will likely need xrays and other tests done to determine what is going on. If your rabbit hasn't been eating or drinking very much, he is likely dehydrated as well and needs fluids right away.

You can try looking on these lists to see if there is a better rabbit vet near you, but your rabbit may be very sick and needs to see a vet.
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I would suggest if you can't get him to the vet within the next few days get some critical care and a syringe and feed him that and make sure to give him a bowl of water as well as his bottle.
This rabbit is seriously ill. It needs a vet now! Waiting a few days and syringe feeding, may prove fatal for this bun. This isn't something that can be treated with home remedies.
This rabbit is seriously ill. It needs a vet now! Waiting a few days and syringe feeding, may prove fatal for this bun. This isn't something that can be treated with home remedies.

I am well aware but as noted above they don't have a rabbit savvy vet nearby. As I am in the same disposition I know it's hard sometimes to travel for a few hours immediately.
I also agree that your rabbit should see a vet ASAP. The itchy ears and lethargy/not eating may be two separate issues, if he's molting a lot he may have ingested a lot of fur and have a partial fur blockage in his gut which is causing a slowdown, lethary, pain, lack of appetite etc. The itchy ears and runny eyes may be mites or allergies or something more serious, it's hard to know. Or the whole thing could be related. In any case, if you can get him to a rabbit savvy vet as soon as possible it would be fantastic! JBun has offered some helpful links for finding one near you.

Best of luck with your boy.
I knew this was very serious I actually took him to see an vet yesterday before I wrote this ( sorry should have said) and he said he was fine. I know that my rabbit is not fine and explained everything to him he did hardly any checks and said it's the cold whether I live in the UK so it is cold but he lives inside. I am going to have a look through them lists now because this morning he won't even eat his favourite salad and hasn't pood overnight! Thankyou every one I knew this wasn't something that was normal! Why can't vets just admit they have no idea!! I will keep everyone updated on how he is doing and what the vet says!! X
I'm sorry the vet wasn't helpful. It's so frustrating when you are just trying to get the help that your bun needs. If you feel comfortable posting your general location, I may be able to help find a vet recommendation for you, as I've heard of a few good vets there in the UK.
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that the vet you saw wasn't able to help. I hope Jenny will be able to help find a rabbit-savvy vet in your area. Sending all my good thoughts to Angus and you. :pray:
Sorry for the delay! I was ringing around and got an emergency appointment at the vets! I'm waiting to be seen now thankyou JBun for your help! You've been great! I'll let you know how it goes! X
Well that vet wasn't helpful at all! I live in the UK also and I went through a few vets trying to find one that was rabbit savvy. It's surprisingly rare! I really hope you find a decent vet ASAP, if not, there is always the blue cross if you have one close to you? They would admit your bun and start tests right away and even help cover the costs if they are pricely. I haven't had any experience with them personally, as I live in the NE and there aren't many about, but it could be a decent emergency option. You could find your nearest one here:
Angus is finally one from the vets! They kept him in for 2 nights watching and monitoring him. He had an eye and ear infection so that was bein treated with drops and tablets. They fed him through a syringe! And now he is drinking his water and eating his pellets he is now pooing and he seems to be back to normal got to keep an eye on him though so lots of tlc and cuddles for my little boy. Thanks everyone x
I'm so glad that he's better and received the treatment he needed! You should definitely write a review of the first vet so people don't go there in the future! Poor little bun, hope he recovers fully soon :)

I'm glad you got him to the vet and caught it early. Ear infections can get very bad. Hopefully the meds will clear it up quickly. Ear infections can be very persistent and difficult to resolve, so may want to give the vet a call when you finish the course, and see if you should have your bun checked to make sure the ear infection is gone. Best wishes to you and your bun :)

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