Is this layout/home/set up ok for my Noodle?

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
I'm going to be making a set up for Noodle, that is currently stuck in an itty bitty cage for this week ONLY until I can make this set up this weekend.

I only have a few more supplies before I can start making the set up. I also need someone to help me move things around in my room.

So here's the cage:

Minus the rats, of course. But I'm going to be gutting that cage and resetting it up for her. The cage measures: 48 inches high x 36 inches wide x 14 inches wide.
I'm going to be adding some of those cube things that you zip tie together on the outside of the cage that measure an additional 26 inches out and leave the door open so she can run in and out. I have this idea but can't explain it to well right now.
I just want more of your thoughts and oppinions. BTW, I paid $25 for the cage.

BTW, if this is in the wrong area I'm so sorry. I had no idea where to post it >_<

Thanks!! :)
that looks pretty good. i'm not sure, however, if when she's grown she'll be able to climb up the ramps--they look a bit narrow. you might want to remove the ramps entirely so she can just jump up and down. most bunnies actually don't like to be too high up either. i like the idea of the "patio" though! great buy on that cage!
tonyshuman wrote:
that looks pretty good. i'm not sure, however, if when she's grown she'll be able to climb up the ramps--they look a bit narrow. you might want to remove the ramps entirely so she can just jump up and down. most bunnies actually don't like to be too high up either. i like the idea of the "patio" though! great buy on that cage!

When I got that cage the previous people said they used it for their bunny. That's where I got the idea from. Honestly, I HATE the idea of keeping her in a cage. I think that she's just to big for it. But I also want her to have extra room. So I thought that having a cage that's high up and the additional area outside of the cage would be good for her. And if the cage thing just doesn't work out, I can always remove it and make up the room with something else. But I think she's gonna be ok.
I do have plans to get another bunny. But not right now. There's WAY to much going on and I really want to focus on taking care of her, learning as much as possible so I'm ready for bunny #2 and so that I can have the $$ and of course her spayed. I'm thinking of adopting an altered male for her. But there again, none of that is going to happen until mid 09.

Thank you so much for the imput though. I'll take pictures this weekend so you guys can see what I mean.
I think the levels and everything are wonderful, but the width of the cage is so small that I think it wouldn't be enough room without the NIC pen. With an NIC pen, though, I think it will be okay :)
How big is she?
Jess_sully wrote:
I think the levels and everything are wonderful, but the width of the cage is so small that I think it wouldn't be enough room without the NIC pen. With an NIC pen, though, I think it will be okay :)
How big is she?
Not sure how big she is. I would say maybe 2 lbs or so. She's a baby. I have no idea how old she is either. I'm gonna be bringing her to the vet Saturday so I can get a better idea about her age at that point.
I, personally, think the cage is too small to keep a rabbit in. It's not built for a bunny, really.

I do think it would be okay to keep Noodle in that cage until you can get a NIC cage built fairly will be much more spacious and better for her :). I hate keeping my bunnies in cages, too, but I don't have another choice. I think cages are good for most bunnies because it keeps them out of trouble when you are not home.

Take a look at this thread:

You will find nice NIC cage designs that may work for you and Noodle :biggrin2:.
yes, I agree.
I recently built a NIC cage for Flynn and he LOVES it. So much more room! I think it's better for littertrained bunnies though- I can't imagine the mess if he wasn't. I kept him in a smaller dog crate until he was trained. I don't see anything wrong with (temporarily) housing your bun in a smaller (but not TINY) cage while she's figuring out the litterbox habit. Or, you could always use something like lineoleum on the floor of the NIC cage and just vacuum daily.
With an NIC pen joined up to the front of it, it should be ok-ish? It's only about an NIC panel deep though and around 2 wide, which really isn't very big, but if you say you're going to have some sort of pen attacheded to it it might be ok.

Just for reference I have a 2.5 pound rabbit in an NIC cage that is 2 deep, 2 tall and 5 long, with an always open attached pen that adds about twice as much room. She still has to be let out of there every day for further exercise, you have to remember that in nature a rabbit could cover a lot of ground in one day looking for food and guarding it's territory. They reallyt do need quite a bit of space.

I really don't like to see one grid deep cages, I think they are mean by themselves with no attached space.
It's too bad the cage is only 14" deep, I don't believe that is sufficient room for anything but temporary. However, I think once you add on the grids around it should be a fine enclosure.
NZminilops wrote:
With an NIC pen joined up to the front of it, it should be ok-ish? It's only about an NIC panel deep though and around 2 wide, which really isn't very big, but if you say you're going to have some sort of pen attacheded to it it might be ok.

Just for reference I have a 2.5 pound rabbit in an NIC cage that is 2 deep, 2 tall and 5 long, with an always open attached pen that adds about twice as much room. She still has to be let out of there every day for further exercise, you have to remember that in nature a rabbit could cover a lot of ground in one day looking for food and guarding it's territory. They reallyt do need quite a bit of space.

I really don't like to see one grid deep cages, I think they are mean by themselves with no attached space.
OH trust me, she gets free time out. That's why I'm up at 1:30 am because I feel guilty for not letting her have her "time out of the cage". I have been trying to follow a routine. I come home from work and let her run around for a few hours before bed time. I had cage cleaning (4 of them) and that takes me HOURS to do so that's why her free time is right now and I'm gonna get only 4 hours of sleep. My pets have me well trained.

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