Is this a safe way for a baby bunny to sleep?

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Los Angeles, ,
Every time i wrap her up in blankets she twists and turns until she ends up like this:


She also does it while she is in my hands sometimes, i just want to make sure that this is a safe and somewhat normal thing for her to do.

Just take a look at our avatar--that is a picture of Bunnicula II sleeping on her mat with all 4 feet in the air. She used to do that all the time when she was little and even would sleep in her hay manger til she got too big.
Our loppy girl Zoe will do the same thing...she turns and twists until she is lying on her back and she is soon fast asleep. Which is fine unless you were only planning on trimming her nails...and Zoe will sleep for hours if left alone! lol:D She even snores!
awwww cute pic! don't know about buns but, i know my cats like to sleep like that
A lot of babies sleep like that in the nest with their siblings--they all snuggle together to stay warm. She's probably using the blanket like she would her siblings. And as some mentioned, some adult bunnies do this too. It's really cute!

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