Is my bunny blind or ignorant, and why is he balding?

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New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

I have a just over a year old male Holland Lop rabbit (He's white with grey spots if that helps).

I guess since he was born he had a funny thing in his eye, but over the last year it has gotten much much bigger, and a second one has grown in the other eye. They don't look like they are bothering him, but they look like cataracts (although I am really not sure because I got that word from a book for people diseases). He doesn't respond to fast motions coming towards his face, but he always knows where I am to give him a treat or find me when he is adventuring around my room. So my real question here is: Is my bunny blind or ignorant? Blind because he doesn't respond to fast movement or lights, and ignorant because he finds me just fine when he wants something.

Secondly, he has a big bald spot right on his back in the centre. This bald spot has only appeared recently and I don't know what is causing it or how to treat it really. I have investigated the area of the bald spot and there appears to be a spot that looks like a mosquito bite. Would a bug bite cause a bunny to scratch himself bald and if so how do I treat it?

And just as a final note, he has really large, bald pink balls and I am curious if that's normal. They kind of creep me out a little.

Sorry this was so long, I am just worried and new to bunny keeping!
Lol, yes, male rabbits can be quite well endowed. Neutering would be the best solution for that issue :)

Has he had an injections recently? That can cause a wound/bald spot in that area. Yes, rabbit's can react to bug bites the same as humans. Another possible issue would be mites. There is spot on treatment available for rabbits (make sure it is for rabbits not for cats/dogs).

The cataracts can be caused by different things. It may just be congenital but another possibility is EC. I'll let someone else explain the treatment for that as I think we use different meds here in the UK.

A check up at the vet might be a good idea to get the issues looked at and see how much they charge for neutering.
It sounds like he may have ringworm or fur mites on his back. The treatments for both are not usually available without a vet, and the vet will be able to tell you which it is. The mite treatment is Revolution or Advantage--never use Frontline. Ivermectin can work too.

I would definitely have the eyes looked at. Cataracts can occur but they're usually later in life unless there's a genetic issue. E cuniculi (EC) can also cause white spots in the eyes.

I would check our vet listings for a rabbit-savvy vet nearby and have him looked at. We have a lot of members in Ontario:
I agree with the others. It could be a bite on his back caused him to scratch at the area. I would have it checked just in case, especially if it is a large area and the hair doesnt appear to be coming back.

I would definitely have his eyes checked out. A vet will be able to tell you if he is responding to the motion visually or if he is hearing you move (or seeing more shadows).

Definitely get him neutered if you can afford it! It really helps with behavior and things like digging, marking etc.

Wish I could be more help but it does sound like a vet visit is in order!

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