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Martha G

Active Member
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Westchester County, New York, USA
Hi to the group!

I just joined yesterday and wanted to introduce myself and our two bunnies, Biscuit (neutered male, b/w Dutch) and his lovebun, Roxie (spayed female, black w/white nose). We got rabbits over 2 years ago and like many, knew nothing about them - I actually thought they were a maintenance free pet - shows how little I knew. It didn't take long before I started doing research and getting everything right for these precious bunnies!

We got Biscuit and Cappy from a pet store and got all the wrong advice, including that both were females who would get along just fine (yeah right!). Turns out both were males and Cappy was sick almost from the time we got him home and at 6 months succumbed to a GI stasis episode. Thankfully Biscuit was and is a happy, healthy little guy. We got him neutered in Nov and waited a while before arranging some bunny speed dates for him. On one of those dates he met Roxie and we all fell in love with her and she came to us for a forever home.

It didn't take too long for them to bond - we were lucky - and they've been a happy couple since Feb. '06. We keep learning more about rabbits and enjoying our two even more. Recently we moved from one house to another and it took them some time to get used to the new space, but now that they are used to it, they are loving all the extra room!

That's all for now.

Martha and Biscuit & Roxie
Welcome to RO Martha! :wave:

I'm sorry to hear that you lost Cappy, poor little guy. :(

But I love that you are enjoying your two now, aren't buns just amazing!? :biggrin2:You will have to put up some pictures to show them off to us.

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Welcome to RO!!!:)I'm sooooo sorry to hear about Cappy. We had recently adopted a pair of buns from a shelter and one was sick (but no one knew) and he died recently to. But I'm glad to hear that Biscuit is okay. Do you have any pics of them you could post?

Welcome to the forum Martha!


Oh wow, your guys are SO cute! Your avatar picture is absolutely adorable!

I'm so sorry to hear about Cappy. :(

So great to hear they are a happy bonded couple! I'm currently in the process of attempting a trio, but my big boy just got neutered Friday so have to wait until he's healed.

Can't wait to hear more about your guys and yourself! :) This forum is great! I learn something new everyday!
Thanks to all for your welcome! As sad as it was to lose Cappy, I think it has helped our other two. I learned alot from him and they get the benefit.

Yes, bunnies are wonderful and ours are no exception. last week we put a comfy dog bed in their room thinking they'd like to lie on it. Well they didn't want to use it that way. Biscuit decided it was a nice litterbox - guess more comfortable than the litter box and hay. It's now sitting in the garage waiting to be thrown out.

Wheredo I add pictures? I've got plenty of our bonded pair.

You can set up a photo hosting site, and then just use the IMG link from there to post the pictures here. I use Photobucket ( It's easy and free to start up a new account.

Feel free to start a blog for your guys in the Blog section :).

Hope to see lots of photos of your guys! :biggrin2:


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