Introducing my Rabbit to a Walking Harness

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At first, put the harness on but only walk himINSIDE for the first few times until he gets use to it. Then tryoutside but in a fenced in area then try moving out of thefence. Little noises can freak a rabbit out and they willtake off running and can easily come out of the harness or injurethemselves. Good luck.
In addition to what juicyjuicee said, only leaveit on for a little while at first. Get him used to wearing itfor longer periods of time. Make sure that you keep an eye onhim and take it off if he looks scared.

We tried two types of harness with my little Mocha. She hatedthe first and tried to rip it off and wriggle out of it, even got herleg stuck once. The second one she went into a panic as soonas she was on the floor. She was racing around the apartmentterrified until she got the harness caught on the underside of her cagedoor and started thrashing. We were sure we had killed her,but thankfully she came through with no injuries. Needless tosay, I never tried again.
My rabbit seemed fine with the new harness !!

love's it, digs everyday !! :)

Gemma xx


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