Inconsiderate People with Dogs..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Today, I braught Sparky outside, on a leash for his 'buisness'. I braught him back inside ( I live in a condo-apartment complex ) and we ran up the stairs together since the elevator was on the fourth and I was obviously on the first.

When we got up to our floor, there are doors seperating the elevator lobby and the halls to the apartment. I go to open the door to the C-wing and this shih tzu type dog came running out, no leash. (sparky was still on his).

Well this dog, jumped on Sparky. If anyone rememberd my comments or posts about Sparky you'd know he's a fighter, he stood up to my uncles German Shepard. Anyways, this dog jumped on him and while I thought Sparky would give him a little bite or something he threw himself to the ground, pulled his ears down and let out a loud cry. This dog is jumping all over him and not in a playful sense. I didn't know what to do,so i tried to pull Sparky away and he'd still stay laying down so I grabbed the other dogs collar and pulled him off Sparky. While I had that dog away from Sparky, still holding his collar his owner walked through the door and said to me 'Id rather if you not man-handle my dog'. :rollseyes I scooped Sparky, whos trembling and still letting out crys and braught him home and checked him over.While the lady continues on walking the dog with no leash ! *or bag*

Nothing but Sparky ego is hurt. He's still pretty shocked, as am I .

i had a similiar situation. my dog is skittish and a shelter dog who i assumed was abused. well hes not tough at all. i took him out in the morning and someone had this boxer off leash and the dog jumped on my dog and started attacking him, i pulled my dog away and, stupid of me, but tried putting myself between the boxer and my dog. he snapped down on my leg and then the owner came picked him up and carried him off. no apology of anything. my dog had a couple puncture wounds on his leg and i now have staph where i got punctured. i dont know who it was so i cant call animal control...

but i would call animal control on that woman or tell the place you live. if her dog cant be kept controlled she needs to keep it leashed.
I completely understand your annoyance. If you're somewhere where there will be other people with their animals, whether it be a dog or something else, or children, your dog needs to be on a leash (unless you're at the dog park or a place like that, of course.)! It doesn't matter to me how well trained and behaved you think your dog is, there's always a chance of something happening.

I don't know how many times I have been walking my dog and had another dog run up on her. Each and every time it annoys me and ticks me off to no end.

I know that my dog is well behaved, but with one being on a leash and the other being able to whatever it pleases the problem can escalate and quickly become a fight. Quite frankly, I would much rather "manhandle" someone's dog instead of my dog doing it for me.

My boyfriend and I went to Florida to visit his family in '07 for Christmas, in September his dog had gotten hit by a car and broke her pelvis. We took her for a walk and literally four doors down from his house three small dogs came running out of someone's yard and crowded around her. Obviously, my boyfriend cant pick his dog up due to her pelvis, so he went to grab the other dog and gets yelled at by the lady for it!

Given the situation, I would rather someone grab my dog and prevent it from being bitten than allowing their dog to attack it. It's just ignorance! :X

If it happens again I would definitely call either animal control or whoever is in charge of your apartment complex and have something done about the situation.
fuzz16 wrote:
but i would call animal control on that woman or tell the place you live. if her dog cant be kept controlled she needs to keep it leashed.

I have absolutly no clue where she lives in here, or even if she doesn, i've NEVER seen her, or the dog around the building ever.

My mom is going to talk to the managment of the grounds.

It's not the first time Sparky has gotten 'jumped', one was this Pug who has absolutly NO manners, (won't even sit on command) was left loose in a CHILDRENS PARK infront of my moms friends house. I was walking by it to go to her house and this pug came charging at Sparky, well sparky put her in her place with a growl and a bark but some people these days are so inconsiderate.:rollseyes
We have the same problem. I keep a leash on phoenix but let her drag it. But the first time she does not come when called she is in trouble.
But anyway I have tought phoenix that when she sees another dog to stand behind me. That way the dog has to go through me first.

I am a big girl and have a good kick. I feel if you really have control of your dog its ok to let them drag a leash at the heel posistion. I would work on training back witch is the command I give phoenix to get behind me.

I had a dog go for phoenix at the beach and she ran behind me the dog caught my leg. I put the dog in my car and called animal control. Owner screaming and all a/c. On I told the owner had your dog bit my dog I would have killed it your lucky it bit me.
Thats a good idea!
But i'm still getting Sparky to calm down, although i'd never let him off-leash, no matter how much I trust him, he's too little, to easy for anything (even a squirel) to get him. He's only 8 pounds.
Where as the other dog was around 20-25.
My problem with inconsiderate dog owners.....I don't have a dog. Although I like animals in general, I don't like dogs enough to own one myself. I'm allergic to them, anyway.

So someone in our neighborhood lets their dog do it's business in our side-yard, right where we're supposed to leave our cans for trash collection, and doesn't clean it up.
Now there's a yellow spot in the grass there, too.


I really want to sit out there sometime, with the hose at the ready, and spray whoever it is who is letting their dog do that. Thankfully, there is a good fence around the main area of the back yard, so no dogs can get in there.

My mother lets her dog run around her apartment complex without a leash. :X

Granted, it's a little Yorkie, but still. It could get hit by a car, picked up by the pound, attacked by another dog (or a cat for that matter.)

She's too lazy to put the dog on the leash and walk it, so she just lets it out the front door. :pssd:

Whenever I stay with her, I try to tell her of all the hazards but she just doesn't listen.

And if some woman with a dog off the leash told me not to "man handle" her dog after it attacked mine, I would probably "man handle" her face.

The nerve of some people alsdjf;asldjfaslf.


I'm sorry that happened to you.
yes you stay calm and let management deal with the situation first and once you find out who it is, bring the bills to her and tell her 'this is what your dog did, you need to pay for your dog'. I've had problems with dogs attacking my rabbits (granted we live on 3 acres of land out in the country) and the first time it happened that their dogs were in my yard(after the initial attack from someone else's dogs) I told them polietly keep your dogs in your yard, my rabbits are terrifed of dogs and my dog isn't friendly with other dogs, they said sure, no problem. Second time here dogs were running through my yard, coming after my dog, i shot them. plain and simple, they attacked at me, my dog and my rabbits. Oh they got p*ssed off at me but when i threatened to get th epolice involved if they didn't back down, what happens in my yard is my thing, they backed down and i haven't seen any more of their dogs since. something about threatening to get police involved tends to get people to actually mind. animal Control in my town is terrible, if you 'donate' to him he won't bother with you. That's why I've shot soo many dogs.
no hate PM's please. I do love dogs, don't get me wrong but when they attack, aren't cared for properly, trained or otherwise containable, to me their feral and no pound near here will take in anymore and our animal control officer does nothing-i've had to get the state police involved once to get the animal control officer to do anything.

PS aBB gun works wonders for chasing away unwanted dogs doing their duties in your yard. Just got to hit them where it counts . . . been there, done that and no other problems- BB guns don't leave marks if you hit them from a far enough distance, just a quick sharp sting is all the dog feels. :D
Blaze_Amita wrote:
yes you stay calm and let management deal with the situation first and once you find out who it is, bring the bills to her and tell her 'this is what your dog did, you need to pay for your dog'.

Oh, nothing happend to Sparky, he's totally okay. He's super nervous though, he hasn't left my side. He's sleeping at my feet now.

Earlier while he was sleeping I snuck away from him and went to the washroom, and I heard him cry out (I guess when he couldn't see me) then run to the washroom and scratch at the door, and then cried again. So I looked him over again and theres no marks, or bruises so I think it's just fear at this point for his crys/yelps.
Brandy456 wrote:
Blaze_Amita wrote:
yes you stay calm and let management deal with the situation first and once you find out who it is, bring the bills to her and tell her 'this is what your dog did, you need to pay for your dog'.

Oh, nothing happend to Sparky, he's totally okay. He's super nervous though, he hasn't left my side. He's sleeping at my feet now.

Earlier while he was sleeping I snuck away from him and went to the washroom, and I heard him cry out (I guess when he couldn't see me) then run to the washroom and scratch at the door, and then cried again. So I looked him over again and theres no marks, or bruises so I think it's just fear at this point for his crys/yelps.
dont give in to the behavor. I know you want to pick him up but you are just reinforceing what he is doing. Ignore give him a kong filled with penut butter. Put him in a kennel if you have one to reinforce will cause more problems

I know he is scared but let him know this behavor is not acceptable.

Check his pads and feet they tend to hurt feet and owners dont notice

I would be so pissed off especially with his comment! I would expect something like "oh I'm so sorry etc". How inconsiderate. :hug: to you.

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