In memory of my drumset :(

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Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Nashville (Madison), Tennessee, USA
I am making this thread in honor of the drum set that I lost in the flood. I loved it, and it served me through a lot of studio sessions, and live performances.

If you have an instrument you lost, please share. They deserve their respects!

Teaching a little one to be metal \m/


My favorite pic of him.


Drum Solo


...and the most recent pic of him. Another favorite. I had an awesome video of this part of the performance, but I think the flood might have taken that too :(.


RIP Drummy! You will be missed.
Naturally having a drummer as a brother, I opened this thread...

I love in the first picture how big the drum sticks look compared to the kid haha.

I'm sorry you lost your drum kit in a flood :(

It looks like you had some good times together. I don't suppose your kit was insured?
"...picture of him"
Him? :p
It's always sad to loose whatever you enjoy the most, :( I'd hate to loose anything of mine, and my bedroom is in the basement =|
Well, the insurance companies are pulling all sorts of tricks, and apparently the wonderful governor of TN is to partially thank. We have video and photo evidence of everything, so if we need to, we can sue the state, or the landlords house insurance company. The city for installing a faulty drain in our backyard, where ALL of the neighborhood water flows into (We are the only house flooded like this in our area, with the exception of our neighbor. The lake caused by it went into his yard too.) or the landlord for unfit living conditions, as the water was leaking in through the foundation long before the flood started from rising water levels. One way or another, I will have my stuff back, but it will be a long painful process.
As a drummer (in training) myself it pains me to hear of your loss, I can only imagine that it must feel like you are losing a part of you. I hope that you can get things sorted out soon.
Brandy: Yeah, there is no way I am giving up. I like to think I shine brightest when things are at their worst. I tend to feed off of gloom and misery XDDD.

But seriously, yeah we will be hunting this to the end.

Kristy: I hope your training goes well. one of the greatest things I ever did for myself. I only wish I didn;t give up on lessons so easily.
Lharzriyal wrote:
Brandy: Yeah, there is no way I am giving up. I like to think I shine brightest when things are at their worst. I tend to feed off of gloom and misery XDDD.

But seriously, yeah we will be hunting this to the end.
Well in a way you do, because you're fighting for something you really care about, so you'll fight harder for that then you would *per say* for a painting. =)
Really? You wish you still had lessons? Do you think they are beneficial to have as a drummer? I haven't had any, more of a case of no money then not wanting to.
kirsterz09 wrote:
Really? You wish you still had lessons? Do you think they are beneficial to have as a drummer? I haven't had any, more of a case of no money then not wanting to.
Sorry for the delayed response

Absolutely! I learned so much from Drums Lessons, and I am glad I chose to stick with it as long as I did. Sure, you can learn the ropes from listening to music and self training, but having someone there who is already trained to help you and challenge your potential is invaluable.

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