If you need a giggle (It is sad, but funny still.)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2007
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Starwberry Plains, Tennessee, USA
(You may not find it funny, maybe you just had to be there. But it just cracked me up the way it turned out.It was a conversation between two of my acquaintances. One has a bunny and one just spends too much time with me.)

BunnyHaver "My bunny is growing too big. I need to get it a smaller cage."
NoBunny "Do you mean a bigger cage?"
BH "Nope."
NB "Why would you get a smaller cage? That is cruel."
BH "Because rabbits grow to fit their environment."
NB "What? No they don't!"
BH "Yes they do. This bunny is a dwarf bunny and it just keeps getting bigger!."
NB "Rabbits do not grow to fit their environment! Then we would have giant wild rabbits!" (This is funny to me. It is ignorance, which is sad. I am in no way condoning having a pet and knowing nothing about it. But the thought of giant wild rabbits makes me happy. I would like to ride a rabbit to school!)

This argument went on for at least 15 minutes before they came to ask me. I tried to set things straight. The girl got her bunny from a pet store and told her it was a dwarf. I said I bet. (I haven't seen it so I don't know). I did tell her not to get a smaller cage and that the bunny wouldn't shrink even if she did, that it would only be cruel. Perhaps I just have an odd sense of humor. Giant bunnies would be fun ...to me at least...Just your thoughts and opinions, or whatever.

<3, RaE

Wow! :shock: Stay in school, kids.

sas :?
hehe giant bunnies ^.^ you could make saddles and people would haverabbit racing and rabbit riding trips :D

But that person really should have done some research before getting a pet :/
This reminds me of this thing we did in Spanish class. We were studying the future and future perfect tenses. Then we made a poster with things about what our school would be like in the future. In the transportation category, my group said we would ride to school on giant rabbits.

I want a ride-on bunny. How cool would that be?
Giant bunnieswould be great! That whole "a bunny will shrink to its environment" is just plain stupid. It's almost laughable at how silly it sounds!

Lets just hope it doesn't grow to a 20lb Giant, then she might have to try to fit it in a cookie box to "shrink it". :disgust:
Rabbits do not grow to fit their environment! Then we would have giant wild rabbits!" I did tell her not to get a smaller cage and that the bunny wouldn't shrink even if she did, that it would only be cruel.
*sighs and puts hand to forehead*

Hey, does no one remember 'Night Of The Lepus'???? They didn't live in cages, and look what happened to them! :disgust:

jil101ca wrote:
I'm thinking bunny haver is confused with fish. Fish with grow to the tank size.
Actually, that's a misnomer too. Fish will definitely outgrow their tanks if given the chance (my pleco Monty would show you that if he could...he just keeps growing...and growing...and growing...).

(Of course I should have added that it depends upon the type of fish too; a small species isn't going to outgrow a roomy tank, but a large species will outgrow an aquarium if the tank is not sized properly for the fish's eventual adult measurement.)

Wow, this saddens me. I really hope your friend gets the bunny a LARGER cage, as the bunny is most likely not a dwarf,even if the pet store called it one.

Is there some way you can give her information about rabbits without it looking like your are picking on her? Maybe she just flat-out doesn't know about them and needs a little help. Once her eyes open up to the wonderful world of bunnies, her and the bunny will be much happier....as will you.

Just a suggestion :).

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Actually, that's a misnomer too. Fish will definitely outgrow their tanks if given the chance (my pleco Monty would show you that if he could...he just keeps growing...and growing...and growing

I've only had fish once and thats whatI was told, they say you learn something new everyday. I'm good for the rest of the day now.:D
:shock:How could anyone seriously think that was true :?wow....

But I do like the idea of giant bunnies in the wild :)
OMG! Can you imagine what the teeth would look like on a giant rabbit??? :shock:

You can probably tell I am a super new rabbit mommy, cause I will be the first to admit I am seriously intimidated by those bad boy teeth!
Yup, fish will not stay small to fit their tank.What usually happens is either the fish dies before it should, or the fish's growth is stunted from not being taken care of properly. Now,you will always get that person who is like "I had a goldfish in a 1 gallon tank for 2 years and didn't have any problems." That doesn't mean that the fish was healthy and properly taken care of though.
jil101ca wrote:
I've only had fish once and thats whatI was told,they say you learn something new everyday. I'm good for the rest of the day now.:D
he he...I used to believe it too. It's what I was told when we were growing up (along with a gazillion other things that turned out to be a bit left of the truth ;)). Sometimes it's really hard to know what's correct and what's not - which could explain the girl believing her bunny wouldn't grow if he was in a small cage...:dunno:
I had a feeder goldfish live for 5 years once -that's a long time for a goldfish! I'd never heard the 'rumor' that fish size to fit their environment...
I think pet store owners/workers should have to take some kind of class on animal care, or just not be allowed to tell people anything about rabbits. *sigh* I work with a lady that told me she has a pet rabbit. I asked her what kind, she said, and I quote,"They told me it's a dwarf, it shouldn't get any bigger than 20-25pounds." Holy COW! Doesn't the word "dwarf" tell people anything?
Like I said, it is funny but sad. I love the idea of giant bunnies. I don't love the idea of whatever kind of bunny it was (I only ever saw it when she just got it. It was tiny(Too small I think to have been sold, but I don't remember well) It was white with uppy-ears. It was tiny.) living in a tiny cage with a girl who knows nothing about what she is doing. But you can't help but think of riding a giant bunny. I bet they would get great mileage, but it would be bumpy. You could guide it with a carrot hanging off a stick!

<3, RaE
That "animal grows smaller/larger depending on cage size" is a myth. They say that with Turtles. But my Turtles as babies used to stay in a 10 gallon tank. But they still grew. One of my Turtles started getting to big where he had a hard time moving around. Then I got a 20 gallon tank. They each have an adult size. Don't forget, that it takes 5-6 years till most aquatic turtles are sexually mature. Stink Pots(I own one.) usually grow up to 7-8inches in length. Mine is almost 5 years old and he's at 5 inches. They take very long to grow.
Of course, that person probably didn't realize that a healthy, well cared-for goldfish can live for 10-30 years!

My parents were told that when they got an aquarium for the first time-a 10 gallon tank. They bought a common pleco. No no no no no! I inherited that tank 15 years later, with a pleco in it that was too big to turn around. Thankfully, a local pet store has a special tank for super-sized fish and frequently sells big fish to customers with monster-sized tanks (100gallons +). They rehomed him for me.

I don't even want to think about that with a bunny.:(

jenfur427 wrote:
Yup, fish will not stay small to fit their tank. What usually happens is either the fish dies before it should, or the fish's growth is stunted from not being taken care of properly. Now, you will always get that person who is like "I had a goldfish in a 1 gallon tank for 2 years and didn't have anyproblems." That doesn't mean that the fish was healthy and properly taken care of though.