I want a Flemish :(

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Nevada, USA
But I am having a hard time finding breeders!lol One I found that would be like 4 hours from me, wants $75 a piece.Most of them over here want that much. Not sure hubby would go for thatLOL

PGG had the idea that she get me one and we railroad it over heresomehow. But I dont know how much that would cost! And shipping isgonna run at least $100


If anyone knows of a Flemish breeder in North Western Nevada, like near Reno, or within 2 hours of Reno, let me know!

hehe Yes. I believe a flemish would be theperfect pet for my 3 1/2 yr old daughter. Granted I would be doing 98%of the care LOL But thats ok with me. She will grow up and learn and doit eventually. But she needs something that will tolerate her stuff.Being cuddled, held, played with, ect. From all I have heard and readabout a Flemish, thats the bunny for her.

I would trade a small, cute, bratty dutch for one ;) j/k!

Wish I could help you Rowena, but I just wantedto say that I empathize with you fully. I've been trying to get Englishlops (anywhere from one to three) and have been running into roadblocksat every turn. There are no breeders in my area; the closest one isabout 6 hours away, and I don't have a car. Most of them seem to beeither on the west coast (1000's of miles away) or in the UnitedStates...and breeders in the US just don't ship to Canada. Of the two Idid find in Canada who were willing to ship to me, they've both hadproblems with the litters...unfortunately losing the babies.

I really hope you do get your wish and find a Flemish breeder. Theylook like absolutely gorgeous bunnies (I had originally consideredtrying to get a Flemish myself). They have the most wonderful ears,don't they? And from what the Flemish owners here on the site have beensaying, they are absolutely great as pets.

Well, keep a positive attitude and I'm sure one will show up for you soon!

Yep Amy, Ive checked there. The one that isclose to me still has them, but none for sale and they are havingdifficults getting litters.... Otherwise they are 4 plus hours from me:(

Thanks! Im sure I will find one eventually. Isearched a lot last night LOL I have one more breeder to email, but itwill be a 4 hour drive from where we are moving. *sigh* Hubby may notgo for that one either LOL

I don't really think 75 dollars is unreasonalblefor a Flemish. And if you really want one bad enough I don't think afour hour drive is bad for something that will give you such a greatpet for many years to come.:)


Just look at that face. I think that's worth a four hour drive!:p

No pressure, though. OK?
hehehe I agree with you. Its getting my HUSBANDto. He's weird about things. He is going to say: $75 for a RABBIT? andyou have to drive 4 HOURS to get it? Are you INSANE?

*giggles* He doesnt understand these types of things lol

I looked again, and just emailed a breeder thatwill be 2 1/2 hours from where we are moving to. So lets hope! Probablygetting to be the wrong time of year for babies though huh?

Just make him stare at the above photo for about 10 seconds. It should work.

To be honest I could think of so many practical reasons to not get aFlemish. But when my neice and I spotted Fonzie at the rabbit show(thatwe drove almost 3 hours to) there was just no turning back. No pressurethough.;)


hehe So cute! I cant think of any reason not toget one ;) And besides, I already told Caitlyn she could have one. shewants a dog, but I think a flemish would be MUCH better ;)

I gotta agree with Mambo..I've only had one 2days but she's such a sweetie! This morning before we left my son satdown in front of her cage and let her out for cuddles before we leftfor the day...she just sat there loving every minute of it!!!
I guess I was lucky... when I told my husbandabout the Flemish breed he made up his mind that no matter the cost,and no matter what we were getting one. Of course we luckedout to find Anubis at the bunny show up the road from us.
mambo101 wrote:
Idon't really think 75 dollars is unreasonalble for a Flemish. And ifyou really want one bad enough I don't think a four hour drive is badfor something that will give you such a great pet for many years tocome.:)

I didn't pay anywhere near $75 - but let me tell you - a Flemish is worth that and far more if you ask me.

Of course, I've been paying more and more for my bunnies lately....let's see..

Tio & Kyo were $10 each

I was thinking Tiny was $20 but the kids say he was $25...

GingerSpice & SugarBear were $50 each because they were pet quality.

Puck was $75 PLUS shipping

then my costs went down a bit - Miss Bea was $20 I think....Summer was$30....Roary was $20 or $25 and Harry was $25 I think...something likethat.

This weekend I'm going to pick up the rest of my herd.....now THAT'Sexpensive....but then again, I'm going to be breeding them, they're allpurebred....and 3 of my does will be pregnant....we hope.

Anyway - to me - all of my buns have become "priceless" - and if I hadto buy Tiny for $75 - I'd do it all over again.....even if it meanteating beans and rice for a month!

mambo101 wrote:
Idon't really think 75 dollars is unreasonalble for a Flemish. And ifyou really want one bad enough I don't think a four hour drive is badfor something that will give you such a great pet for many years tocome.:)
I paid $75 for Sampson and drove 2 1/2 hrs. He's well worth it. I love him to death.


I paid $60 for Vash and drove 4 hours after wokring a 12hour shift to get him and haven't regretted it since.

My lovebun--
I found Ben at a rabbit show and paid $30 forhim with papers, but I would have been willing to pay more because Iwanted a flemish so bad. Have you checked the ARBA websightto see if there are any rabbit shows in your area, that worked for me,and there were quite a few there to chose from.



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