I really am here, .... sometimes

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I just wanted to say I am sorry because I know I'm not on much right now. I thought after County fair, things would slow down a bit, HAHAHAHA!

  • kids just got back in school - lots of stuff for that
  • State Fair - we didn't have any animals there but had to see others.
  • Horses need attention
  • Niece is getting ready for the paralympics!!! we've been engulfed in the Olympics here!
  • Diesel being neutered today and I have to go get him and his brothers in a bit
  • Hubby's work is slow STILL and I am looking for additional work (I clean 2 houses)... I've applied for a job I really would like if it pays enough! *cross fingers*
  • Trying to repaint, fix some cabinets in the house.
  • Been sick
  • Friends having parties!
I've also had a rough time with the illness/deaths on here. I just can't seem to shake the saddness when I read about them.

I'm trying - I hope everyone understands and I think about all of you often!

I miss you! :shock: I miss not seeing your replies in pretty much every thread I read lol- last time I remember you'd just got to 10,000 posts!! :shock: :p


Good luck with....

To your niece in the paralympics (that's some achievement! I hope she goes far!)
Diesel's neuter
The job you've applied for!
Painting the house

And get well soon! :bouquet:

Phew! I'm exhausted just reading it all!

I know what you mean about the deaths as well here... it's been such a rough time for all our members... I'm still here regardless as I have nothing else to do all day and would go out of my mind with boredom otherwise lol, but it is hard to be around here at the moment... :(


Jen xx
Thank you :)

Diesel is home and doing fine..... he's such a little meanie sometimes! His brothers were neutered today as well and they were quiet and sleepy - while Dies was growling and biting the dogs at my Mom's house LOL!

Glad to hear you are still alive. :pHope all goes well with everything.

I finally have some time off, I finished my last test on Tuesday and I got an A+ in one class so far. But I've been shopping and going to the dentist and all this since my test so I haven't had much time to enjoy it. On the bright side, keeping busy has helped keep my mind off Reese. I miss her so much, I miss her kisses and Chase looks so lonely without her. :(

I had a weird day today. I stopped at the gas station to fill up my car before heading off to see my dentist and someone had tried to pay for my gas anonymously. Strange isn't it? But it's refreshing to see that amount of kindness from the younger generation (he was probably my age).
That's really cool about the gas. I think there are some people who just have kind hearts!

I know you miss Reese - I can't imagine how hard that's been! :hug:
Miss you... please take everything step by step.And do what 'cha gotta do...Kids come first. We'll be here waiting for you....

:waiting:Back yet? We really miss you! :hug:
I get home from work around noon time, eat lunch and try to catch up on the forum, butwhen I finish eating, I am ready to nod off and sleep. :?

Been so busy at work, because of the co workers taking holidays. I have to do all the deliveriesof the co worker before I can do my own deliveries.With all the driving, I get to fill the vehicles with gas, and get bonus points on my credit card. Every time I fill up (3X a week) I get atleast $7.50 in credit. :D

Some gas stations ran out of gas. :shock: The local refineries had some problems with their pumps, so that lead to some shortages. This is temporary though, nobody is panicking and lining up for gas.

I was atthe Dentist on Monday. He was short on staff (holidays)as he had no assistanthelping when he did my filling.He did have a new girl start work that day. I have to go back in a few weeks for a cleaning. :rollseyes

Spent yesterdayfixing a chip in the windshield on thevan, so my sister from Toronto can use it when she goes to Jasper/Banff for a week.It was only a very small chip, but the windshield guysays it looks like a bow tie, and can spread very easy. Their work is guaranteed, so if the chip runs, they would give me my money back.Also replaced the old battery with a new one, because I don't drive the van enough to charge up the batteries. So my sister should be fine with the van.
Hi Bo!!!

I find myself lurking/not posting much lately as well. But you are super duper busy, clearly! That list exhausts my eyes, let alone your whole house! I miss seeing your posts all over the place, they are always so positive and friendly! Hopefully, things stay positive and friendly for you and your family as well!

Best of luck to you and your niece in the paralymptics as well!!!! :)

I feel just the same! Busy busy busy! I'm trying to get my body adjusted to waking up around 5 am, so I have time to motivate children and get everyone out the door to get my son to the bus zone at the local high school at 7 am to be on the bus by 7:15. We're all so totally NOT morning people.

When did your kids go back to school? I thought Florida was the only state crazy enough to go back in August. :)
Well so much for my 'vacation' and time to surf the net that I thought I had. I just realised how much work I have to do before school starts again. I spent all day taking apart my wooden run, sanding it, we cut down the height 6", put it back together, painted it, fixed the wire, stapled it back on, and then I also painted a little house that I use in the runs for them. They all look like new and much nicer than they did before but it was a lot of work!

I still need to pressure wash, sand, and repaint my hutches. I also need to clean all my bunny stuff that is sitting outside and collecting dirt and bugs. Then I need to reorganize everything. Ialso have to clean out my hay shed and get new hay.

It may not sound like a lot, but I bet you anything that is a week of solid work to get it all done and I'm just tired thinking about it! I can't wait for it all to be done and for it all to look so much nicer and cleaner.

Oh I miss the days of this thing people call 'free time', I'm not sure what that is anymore, lol.

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