I just had a terrible experience

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Bright Eyes

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
Quebec, Quebec, Canada
I just had the most heartbreaking experience involving a weasel and three baby rabbits.

My mum called me outside because we heard a mother bunny chirping to her babies, and we wanted to have a look.

The mother rabbit saw us when we came outside, and she ran, but didn't run too far.

We could only see one of the babies, it was lying there frozen, and hiding, though my mum had said she saw three originally.

That's when I noticed that there was a weasel trying to get to the baby in the grass. It was super fast, and not afraid of me at all. My mother and I tried scaring the weasel away, by clapping our hands and stomping. It seemed to work... the weasel ran into some other bushes.

That's when we heard the screaming, the weasel had found another one of the babies in the bushes! I know that I should not have intervened in nature, but I couldn't watch the weasel dragging the baby through the bushes, I grabbed it right out of the weasels mouth!

It was bleeding a lot, and in shock, I didn't know what to do, I wrapped it in my sweater and held it to try and stop the bleeding.

My mother scooped up the other baby (the first one we had seen hiding in the grass), because she didn't want to weasel to get to it.

We brought the two into the house and started to panic, we didn't know what to do to save them from the predator.

That's when I heard screaming from outside...the weasel got the last baby.

It was so heartbreaking, I never want to hear that sound again.

At this point we decided the weasel had its dinner, so we put the two babies together, where we had found the first one.

Now I'm just really upset because I am wondering if I hadn't intervened if maybe the babies could have been saved by the mother? I feel like trying to stop nature made the situation much worse, and I am also just traumatized by having to watch that rabbit baby squirm in pain.

I feel so sad and guilty and just AWFUL :( :( help :(

Oh my goodness what an experience! I would be traumatized too. I think you did what any animal lovers reaction would be, to try and save them. There is no way to say if you made it worse...don't beat yourself up.

It's hard to remember the circle of life when you see something like that..but it is what it is and bunnies are at the bottom. :( I would just take peace in the fact that you and your mom tried and did the best you could in the moment :)
you have to remember that we as humans are part of the circle so if who ever made this world took everything into acount properly surley they would of forseen us stepping in every now and again u did the right thing!!!
That is such a sad story..makes me want to cry a little bit. :( I think you did what any human with a heart would do though.
Im sorry) : nature is cruel but you did save momma so she can get another litter in. The screams are horrible
I'm so sorry this happened, but that is nature. You did the right thing by trying to help. I agree that the mom wouldn't have stood a chance on her own. She may have been injured in the attempt, so at least this way she can still take care of her remaining babies and have more.

I'm sorry it was so traumatic :hug:
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I can't imagine it..I would be so upset. But, don't blame yourself. There's no way the momma bunny could have saved them. And even if she'd tried, I think the weasel would have gone for her. You did well-especially the grabbing the one right out of the weasels mouth!
moms instincts are the draw away a predator so shed sacrifice herself too, possibly sacrificing the kits if theeir not weaned
Bummed out. I probably would have given the weasel a case of lead poisoning. An Opposum got into my Koi pond once upon a time. I did a little snare work and there were five less and no more of my fish got drug out and half eaten. What upset me the most was it was one I'd gotten that was less then 2 inches and I raised him to 16 inches before I built the pond and the stinking critter didn't even eat an 1/8th. He was a gorgeous fish and very friendly too.

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