I guess I just can't be "normal"

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
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, Indiana, USA
Probably sence early November it seems that my tail bone has been hurting really bad. Well maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago it just stopped hurting. Then about 2 days ago after my gym classmy tail bone hurt unbareably AGAIN! Now I can barely evenbend down to sit at my seat :(When I'm just sitting still it doesn't hurt at all really. But when I move around and get out of my chair, I just feel aweful and want to fallover.

Ahhh, Don't worry - I don't think it's what Stephanie had and if it is, they have new and better treatment for it.

*My niece had apilonidal cyst. They had to do surgery and it was not fun for her. Unfortunately it can be hereditary.*
Lexi, how old are you? Do you remember hurting your tail bone in any way? I ask because I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was about 14. I didn't hurt my tail bone, just all of a sudden it started hurting just like what you said. It would hurt horribly whenever I sat down or when I got up. The changes in pressure are what hurt, it didn't hurt anymore once I'd been in the same position for a while. It hurt like this for probably about 3 months and I just got used to it. Then it went away for a couple more months and randomly came back for another few months, just as painful as before! I never went to a doctor for it (probably should have), but it's been at 7 years and hasn't hurt again. If you find out why it's hurting, PM me or something because I'm curious that our symptoms are so similar.

On a funny note, when my mom was 16 she fell down roller skating and hurt her tail bone. She was a youth volunteer at the hospital and was able to go in and get an X-ray for free. One of the young male volunteers was there to observe the X-ray, too, and sure enough, you could see quite clearly that the tip of her tail bone was broken... Unfortunately, you could also see with BRILLIANT WHITE CLARITY the tampon my mom had in. She forgot that it would show up on the X-ray and was mortified. She was a very shy girl and both her and the young male volunteer turned beet red.
LOL @ your mom!!

Lexi just turned 12 and it does sound similar. I wonder if she hurt itsomehow while riding her horse but she hasn't ridden in several months (been too busy and bad outside to ride when we have a chance).... I know bad mommy. She wants to ride.

Anyhow, she can't remember doing anything recently. I was thinking maybe it's where she's going to get cramps that way?


Anything like moving a funny way, or knocking it, or anything like that can cause that. My brother sat down and knocked his and it hurt for ages and then for a while after was much more sensitive, but it does settle down (if it's that) with time and care.

Also, I had a friend who wore really high heels and it made her tail boen turn slightly and caused her a similar type of pain, just another though. Possibly posture or growth related?

Bo, I doubt cramps would come there, yep they can come in the back, but I wouldn't think down there where the tailbone is because I don't think there are muscles around there to cramp.
I don't know flashy, but that's where I had early labor with both kids..... so I thought maybe.... dunno.

We were just really sick and I did hear that certain movements and like when she was so sick vomiting - maybe she did something. I know I nearly fell when I was sick.

*sigh* I hate when these things happen. I feel so bad for her.
It's horrible isn't it.

If you think it could be crampy related, you could try gving her hot water bottles to rest on, and things like squishy cushions and bean bags to take the pressure of it and change her posture a bit.

Also, warm baths could also help.

From what I remember though, at that age that can be the age that scoliosis shows,which is a curvature of the spine. When I was studying dance we learnt a bit about how it can affect the tailbone. I'm sure it's not that, but it might be worth getting her checked by a doc,especially if it continues, and he might be able to prescribe something like a painkiller or anti-inflammatory, or even refer her on to someone if absolutely necessary.
Thanks Flashy. I was wondering about scoliosis also! I'm going to get her into the doc this week.
Good luck at the doctors BratBunny! Hope he sorts you outand makes you shiny and painfree :)(I'm not sure why he would make you shiny though, maybe because it's nearly Christmas:)
GOOD NEWS! I took Lexi into the doc's office today. She's still sore and I wanted to get her checked. Well, doc seems to think it's not that bad thing, but she has pulled some ligaments and stuff. Basically I told her, she has sprained her butt! :bunnybutt: LOL!

She should be better in a couple of weeks and if not, we'll get an MRI or something to confirm no serious issues. YAY!
Oh, I'm so glad she'll be okay. That stuff can be painful!

Believe it or not, you can pull your butt muscle while bowling:shock:...yes, we've done it...:blushan:.

Any sport or activity can cause that to happen though, weird how it happens, ha.

Heal quickly Lexi!:hug:
I'm glad that Lexi will be okay! Poor girl. Is it feeling any better now? Also, what tests do they do to confirm someone sprained their butt? :ponder:
That's great.

Hopefully he's given some pain meds or anti-inflammatories or something? Lexi will have to be careful for a while when it gets better because it will be weaker for a while. It might be worth also trying to find some back/butt strengthening exercises for when she feels better to try and make the ligaments and everything stronger.

Snowy, presumably they would talk about the pain, and then rule out the more serious conditions like a break or fracture, or the spine bending the wrong way, and by process of elimination arrive at that conclusion.
Well, with the pain being in the tailbone area, he checked exactly where. It seems there are some certain ligaments that are around it and he was able to identify those as being painful by pressing on them. Also, when she moved and told him how it hurt to do a movement (standing from sitting - and at a certain point) he noted the ligaments involved, etc.

Our doc is a great guy - very hyper, very very intelligent and very easy going! (When Lex didn't put her coat on to run back in for a note for school, he said he was going to "kick her in the @ss" for it LITERALLYsaid that lol! and that it would hurt worse!) He is a hoot!

Anyhow, he didn't call it a sprained butt, I just called it that and I'm teasing Lexi with it LOL! We think she figured out what it was also! Some activity they were doing in gym where they were tapping sticks and stretching and sitting indian style.... some dance like thing. Her tailbone probably put pressure on those ligaments and bruised them or something.

Yes, I have pulled my muscles bowling too! OUCH!

Thanks for the nice comments! The whole cyst thing really scared us.The surgery is described as cleaning out the area around the tailbone/spine involved, and then trying to sew together "wet tissue paper" and get it to hold!

It still could be something like that, but doc said if it even would be - hers wouldn't be nearly as bad as my niece and that we will catch it soon enough! Still, he really thinks it's not that.
Well I did go to the doctor finally, and he gave me something that is suppose to help it. :)But I'm on it for i think 2 weeks. I take it with breakfast and dinner everyday. He said I'm not suppose to participate in Phys Ed class at school. Lucky for me, I'm on winter break!


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