I am so mad.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Pheotown, IL :D, Illinois, USA
Okay well this year I got a HORRIBLE science teacher. I pretty much don't agree with him on anything. And if you dissagree with him, he says that i'm just a child and I don't know any better.

(I'm in 8th grade...)

Anyway so today he said that animals don't love.
They don't love other animals, and they don't love humans.

I'm sorry but to me that is so untrue.

First of all, how can you measure love in a science experiment?

Second, I know for a fact animals love.
Why would Phinn and Cleo cuddle all day if they didn't love eachother?

Feel free to dissagree, but to me saying animals don't love anything is completely insane.
first of all............HEY! i haven't seen you around in ages:(. how's it going(other than the creepy teacher:p)?

now, on to that dude who shouldn't be teaching..........

that's nuts! even my fish 'love' me. they swin up to the glass when ever i come in the room:biggrin2:. how can any one say animals don't love:disgust:? nutty buddy..................:craziness

Yeah, i've been pretty busy. I actually look at the forum alot, it's just hard for me to have time to actually post. I've been good though :D how are you and jamie?

And, I know. It makes me SO mad. Ugh it sucks because I loooove science, but now my year of science is ruined all because of a teacher.
pretty good. i started high school a few weeks ago, so that's been keeping me busy. i'm trying to learn german, which my friend is thrilled about, he's half german and come over here two years ago. it's not to hard, but still............:p

Jamie's doing good, Prince is finally settling down around him, thanks goodness. he can now go out on the back porch with him and not freak. you can hear him thinking, though "it's not right mummy. it walks funny!". and Jamie's a year old now:biggrin2:. i'm gonna give him some banana and oats for his b-day:)

how are your two cuddle bugs doing? i've missed seeing pictures of them/hearing about them(they're one of my fave RO couples:pink iris:)
I have actually heard this debated, well i just scanned the posts, on another forum as to whether things like lizards can actually lover thier humans. It was very interesting to hear peoples perceptions on it and it actually got me thinking about whether or not an animal actually "Loves" or is conditioned because you are the hand that feeds them???????

I do believe that some animals can actually love thier humans, not by conditioning but really have a love for them
If you've seen the lion video where his old "owners" came and saw him out in the wild, you'd belive that animals love their humans. I believe it and I know my animals love me - ok, maybe not my sheep yet....I'm sure they like me cuz I bring them their food :biggrin2:but anyway.....

I know my past dog loved me....I'm waiting for my horse to love me, lol. You always hear about those amazing bonds between horse & rider....that's love, for sure!

So yeah, animals do love...they love eachother, too...or so many of the bunnies on here wouldn't be bonded ;)!!

I suppose most anyone can do at the moment is have an opinion on the matter...

I think it's really interesting the arguments some people come up with. I believe some animals love. I know with dogs, rabbits, cats, etc you can just tell there has to be something more than just a...you feed me kind of thing so I'm going to cuddle with you and have that love look in my eyes when you look at me. Take an elephant or a chimpanzee or any other highly social animal, they seem to show that they "love" each other or at least express a "caring" for each other attitude.

I suppose most older/hard headed science teachers will disagree with this. I don't know though, love is a concept of the mind... So I suppose it's an issue on how developed you want to believe an animal's mind is...
If you've seen the lion video where his old "owners" came and saw him out in the wild, you'd belive that animals love their humans.

Yes, I think that's a classic example of an animal expressing genuine love for it's human. (Amazing video!)

A great many people believe that animals cannot feel love in the same way as a human; they believe that at most, their reactions to their owners are a conditioned response (i.e., 'I know this human will feed me and stroke my fur and give me attention, so I will react with gestures that simulate love'). But there have been a great many cases of animals who would go to great lengths to be with their humans, who miss them terribly when they are separated, who will even pine away until that human returns...and no amount of food or attention from another human will bring them out of it. They will also sometimes show great grief when a beloved animal friend dies.

Greyfriar's Bobby is one that immediately comes to mind; he was a little terrier in Scotland in the 1800s. When his master died, he remained devotedly by his side, sitting at the grave site day after day for 14 years, only leaving once every day to eat, and then returning. There was even a movie made about him several years ago.

Unfortunately there will always be differences of opinion on this subject. However, this shouldn't ruin your science year unless you choose for it to be ruined. Chalk it up to the fact that your science teacher has not been touched by an animal to the depth that you have, and let it go. And have fun with your class, rather than thinking about your teacher's point of view on this subject.

Thanks guys :) It's really great to hear everyones opinions.

Oh, I wasn't talking about just this topic ruining my year, just my teacher in general.
It's annoying because not only does he insist he is right about everything, but he tells us were wrong if we don't agree with him.

He just gets on my nerves so much I can barely stand to be in that classroom :grumpy:.
I think he needs to get his head out of the science text book and cuddle a bunny..

Some people can just be ignorant, don't let it bother you! :D There will always be people like that - just have to agree to disagree, or smile and nod when you feel like storming out :p!
Ahh one of the great debates - can animals love?

In terms of Science; no. Most scientists will say that when animals show affection for each other it is just instinct.:XBut anyone that has owned a pet and seen their behaviour on a daily basis will know that is completely not true.

From what I've seen animals can love incredibly deeply. When Ruby was ill Millie never left her side. She would always be there grooming her or lying with her when she felt bad. And when Ruby died Millie grieved so badly for her that she completely changed herpersonalityandthere were honestly some days I thought she would just fade away from the sadness.

I defy anyone to believes that animals can't love to come see a sight like that. Nobody can see animal love that extreme and still say it doesn't exist.
Do you really think animals (especially our bunnies) would put up with being handled and stuff all the time if they didn't love us?
And you know dogs and animals that can be trained do you think they would do what we say if they didn't love us?

I think animals love us and each other!
Soo I got my mum to write what she thinks...

I think animals love us, they wouldn't be there waiting at the cage for us when they hear us come out if they didn't. And watching Becca with her bunny, you can tell he loves her :)

(from Becca's mum)

i'm sick and Jamie just sat and cuddled with me. that's love if you ask me:)
If you begin to wonder if animals can love, what about us? Humans are animals too.

Love, like other emotions, is a series of chemical reactions. Animals I believe have similar chemical reactions to us? In them it might be a bit more simple, such as being chemically rewarded to pairing off with the opposite sex, so that the babies have two parents to take care of them.

One interesting example the male hormone vasopressin. Male animals with a strong amount of this hormone tend to pair bond for life. Funnily enough a lack of this hormone would make that same male animal very prone to sleeping around and not forming strong social attachements, or 'love' as we would see it (we tend to think that animals who pair off for life are in love, and we get the warm fuzzy feelings seeing it).

Other things like male penguins standing out on the ice for goodness knows how long to take care of the eggs while the females swim off, that seems like some sort of love to me - perhaps not as complicated as human love, but to go through suffering for your children must be some type of love to me :).

You only have to look at a dog frantically excited to see it's owner coming through the door to know that animals do have attachment feelings.

I have seen that lion video it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Like Bassetluv said dont let it ruin your science class. For as many people who can argue that animals do love there is just as many that can argue the opposite,lol.

Pam is also right he doesnt own a pet,lol.

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