How old is too old?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2013
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I was old is too old for a bunny to get spayed or neutered? I'm looking at bunnies that are between 6 months and 1 1/2 year old +. Most have not been fixed. I don't want a baby. Am mostly interested in bucks but am open to either.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
As long as the rabbit is healthy, there really isn't an upper age limit. When they get to be around 5 years, it can be more risky to put them under, but it can still be done.

An exam before the surgery as possibably blood work can help see if there are any issues that might mean the rabbit is more at risk of problems. With a spay or neuter, they are usually only out for about 1/2 an hour and the surgery is fairly quick.

Even at 1 1/2 years, they are still young and there should be few risks to getting them altered.
Yeah, rescues take in older rabbits all the time that haven't been fixed, and they fix them.

Do check that you can afford the cost in your area, though. The local vet here wants $350 x_X
Yes, I called my local vet and to get a female or male fixed is between $250-$350, depending on the gender. Kinda spendy!
Try going through the rescue. Most will spay or neuter for you before they will adopt them out. Or ask them where they go to have it done. They may know of a lost cost clinic. By the way Twigs was 2 1/2 when he was neutered and it was fine.
Well, it doesn't matter how old the bunny is; what really matters is how healthy the bunny is. To ensure your bunny is healthy enough to undergo a surgery like this, ahead of time, have a annual exam done (by a *rabbit savvy vet* ) in addition to pre-surgical blood. Though it will cost you extra and some offices may not require blood work, it is very wise to do so. Also, it is key that your bunny is sent home on pain meds. Some clinics say the buns don't need to be sent home on anything; can you imagine a surgery without pain meds after?!

Age wise, to give you an idea, my bunny Ripley was neutered around 1 1/2 and Taffy was spayed at 7 years of age. Both came through wonderfully and healed up really well with no complications. Also, both were sent home on 5-7 days Metacam. I was confident in my vet's abilities and know he's very rabbit savvy and a good surgeon and the technicians in the office are very good.

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