How many nicknames do you have for your bun(s)??

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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, Nebraska, USA
Holly has quite a few: Brucy, Burnsie, Holls Bols, Stands in Hay, Holly girl, Honey Bunny

She pretty much has one for what ever she is doing.

Freddy Cougar (sarcastically. Fred is a sweet, little guy who doesn't seem to be going through moody teenagerism)

Poop-monster (The only by-product of his hormones. Poop everywhere! I don't mind, since he's so sweet.)

Freddie the Pretty Princess. (The only black fur he has isjust above his eyes, like eyelashes! He's soo pretty andsweet!)


Rabbeast (He's so mean to Fred. He bit Fred on the nose, and Fred's all "I Love You!")

Stinky Bun (Self Explanatory)

Hunter (puppy):



Pretty Pretty Princess (All my animals are male, and they are all so pretty!)
Well Pepsi is a nickname I use more regularly then her real name.. Pepper.

I call Pepper Pepsi, Peppy, Pep, Pepsicle , Peppy le pue (that french skunk from tweedy? ;))

I call Pebbles Peb, Pebs, Pebby, Baby andDodo (she's not the sharpest crayon in the box! ;))
mmm... let's see...

[color= blue] Both buns: [/color]

The Bun Boys

Boogie Bun (after a successful escape)

[color= blue] Benjamin [/color]



[color= blue] Butterscotch [/color]



Mr. Gopher

Maisie's main nickname has become "Mimi", thoughI keep saying it like, "mimimimimimiiii" (pronounced "me" with a long esound) and she LOVES it. She gets all excited when I doit. :)

Flower so far is "fuffy". I try to use only his actual namethus far, though, until I see that he's learned his name completely(which he's close on, but not all the way there).


I have to admit, at times I call each of them Stinky...but that's mypet name even for my daughter. Lol...she loves it,too. One time a new teacher of hers heard me call her that,and said, "Oh, don't call her that!", and my daughter replied with aquick, "Oh, no...I LIKE it!!" It was so cute...her daddy alsolikes to call her "Stinky Potato". :D
peapoo-mostly peapoo bunny or bunny girl

petey- bunny boy,petey boy,and petey, and sometimeswe call him by his full name Pistol i guess petey is actuallya nickname:?

both of them- i always call them Dust Bunnies...peapoo petey does, but he's still a little bit shysometimes:(
'The Boyz' for both of them.

For Toffee; Toffs, Big Toffs, Fat Hamster (because he looks like one), Toff Toffs, Tufty, Tuft a Luft.

For Parsnip; Snips, Snipsie, Egg (because he looks like one when he's huddled up) Baby Snips, Little Snips.

All pretty much on a theme. They sometimes get called other names,generally when they chew something, wee wee on the carpet or scratchme!!! But I won't write them down
Snuggles - Snuggy, Nug-Nug, Nuggerz, Princess

Baby - Sweet Baby Girl, Punkin' Girl, Scooter (pronounced like a Yankee - Scootah)

Toby - Toberz, Toby Woby, Punkin' Boy

Shadow - Shadow Man, Punkin' Boy, My Little Shadow

Lately I've been calling Holly "bunny boo". I'm not sure where this one came from. I also have been calling her "Missy".
I'm sure I've thoroughly confused CupCake with all the names I call her. The ones I use the most are Kay, KayKay, Cake, C.C., and Cakey-Poo. She gets Chunky Monkey a lot too. Let's just say that's because she likes her food. ;)

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