How long should you bunny be outside?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Central Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
Okay, if your bunny lives inside (like mine) and usually isn't use to snow... how long should I keep them outside? I bring Bentley outside in the summer a ton, but now its started snowing (and I live in Minnesota, so temps are dropping and staying cold!) so I'm wondering whats the longest I should bring her outside in the snow? Right now its been the longest 5 minutes, she hops around, flicks her feet, then I get to cold and bring her back inside ^^ but I'm just wondering for safety measures, I don't want her to get hypothermia.
Does she really need to go outside in the snow? I know some people allow their bunnies in it, but I think it could be pretty harmful if she got wet and cold. Is there a reason she needs to be out there at all if you are worried about it?
Small short plays in the snow I don't think are harmful so long as the temperatures aren't too cold. If it is too cold for you to comfortably be outside in a coat for a short period of time (15min), then it is likely way too cold for them to be out also :). Since indoor bunnies aren't accustomed to outdoor temperatures, they do not have a heavy winter coat, but instead a lighter coat since indoor temps are pretty nice most of the time! So think of it like you going outside with only a sweater or light jacket on.
Generally speaking, it is much more dangerous for a bunny to be overheated via hot weather than cool temperatures being dangerous (since they do have fur), but very cold temperatures with being wet is something to be careful about. I would let my bunnies play in fresh snow for a short time, their feet don't get wet since it is fresh powder and the temps weren't very cold. But usually 10-15 minutes and they were ready to come back in and snuggle up!
We have too many beasties for me to even THINK about taking our guys outside! lol:) I'd have a nervous breakdown...not to mention the lil buggers would never come back in! ;)

We bring the snow inside for our bunns...we use all sorts of different containers, fill them with snow and let the kids dig and snuffle to their hearts content...and then we drag the mess back outside!

I think its really cute when she's playing in the snow XD haha. Since it was around negative thirty today, I don't think she'll be going out anymore until the snow starts melting. Oh well, maybe I should be some snow in for her. She seemed to enjoy it, but I get what your saying about their fur getting wet and not a thick coat cause they aren't use to the outside, ect.