How long is Metacam good after it is compounded?

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Task Force
Oct 29, 2008
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Columbus, Ohio, USA
I just noticed Little Bunny is laying funny, not moving a lot. Tried to feed her, she wouldn't eat, tried treats and she wouldn't take that. I gave 1ml of gas meds. She seems uncomfortable. I have metacam from 7/6/09, is it still good? The metacam was for her so I have the correct dosing to give her. I know I read this on here one time but I can't find it now.

I found online it is good for 6 months so I gave her a dose of the metacam. I hope she pulls through soon. I hate when they are sick. I always worry it is serious. She didn't even fight the meds that much and just laid down when I was done giving them where usually she would run away.
Oh no! I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Give her a nose rub from me.
when you listen(your-ear to tummy)-what do you hear/normal or loud gurggling,etc,try some somethicone/baby drops,offer food and water(bowl),observe behavior,,sincerely james waller
Metacam REALLY must be taken with food and water, so I hope you got some of both in her.

Is she molting per chance?

Is she pressing her tummy down? If she seems uncomfortable, it is most often gas, although something else can be causing the gas.

Vibration therapy may be helpful. I use a vibrating toothbush. If you have a dryer you can put her on, that helps too.

I'll be watching for updates.

sas :clover:
Thanks guys.
Pipp, I was alittle nervous about giving the Metacam but I knew she had eaten all of her greens that morning that had soaked for over an hour. So I was crossing my fingers that would be enough if she hadn't eaten or drank since then. I know she was pooping normal as she was pooping where she was laying, which is unusually. She isn't molting.

I am not sure if it was gas or what it was but 30 minutes after I gave the metacam, she stated getting up and moving around and I was able to get her to eat all her veggies. She seems to be eating normally so far this morning.

Why do bunny's get gas? I know sometimes it can be caused from certain foods, but she didn't have anything new. This is Little Bunny's first gas attack in the 4 years I have owned her. Makes me a little nervous that this gas is about a month after her first GI stasis issue where she didn't eat for a week and they told me her GI tract may not go back to normal. Do you think the two could be related at all?

Thanks again everyone.
Her Gi tract could still be recovering from the Gi stasis. I usually give pedialyte also during the time I give simethicone and tummy rubs and try to encourage exercise.

is she molting?

mine are sheddding and I have noticed 2 od mine were a little off a few days ago which often happens when they are sheddingand ingesting fur/

I'm glad she's getting better ...
All the treatments I'd do are already here. I just want to send good vibes. Keep improving, Little Bunny!
She ate her greens this morning a little slow. She ate some and then stopped and was laying down so I gave her 1 more dose of gas meds and she has been fine since and finished her veggies. She is laying in her normal spot and not her sick spot. She has a certain spot she laid in when she had GI stasis and laid there last night. I have seen her eating hay also.

She isn't molting. And her poops don't have any hair that I can see.

I am suppose to go on vacation in 2 weeks and I am already worried sick about Chase. Now I am worrying about leaving Little Bunny. My friend has been offering me to come down and he would pay for the plane ticket since January and I haven't went because of Chase always being sick. I keep thinking if this happened while I was gone, how long would it have taken the pet sitter to notice. Would I have been able to tell the pet sitter what to do over the phone. I wuoldn't have been able to see Little Bunny to see how she is laying, where she is laying, or what her poops look like. The pet sitter will be coming 2 times a day, 12 hours a part to give Chase her meds. I informed both bunny's that they must stay healthy until I get back but obviously Little Bunny ignored that message. I wish I could pack them up and take them with me but that isn't possible.
You could have the petsitter sign into this forum under a new name ( that is what Jenk did)and then she could post any problems with either of them and we could tell her what to do ....the only thing is that you need to show her how to syringe fluids etc before you go...

Is she a friend of yours or just a regular petsitter?
That is a good idea. I will ask her about it and make sure to leave the website on my already 3 pages of information for her lol.

She is a regular petsitter. She has watched the animals several times before they got sick. When I started a new job and Chase had her 1st stone 2 weeks after I started I had her come and check on Chase during the day. But that was almost a year ago and she hasn't watched them since.

I was also going to see if the vet tech who has helped me with the bunny's can stop by during the day and check on them. She has had a lot of hands on experience with both of them plus her experience as a vet tech.
it would be great if the vet tech could stop in; I think I remember that she helped you with Chase ; if she was stopping inI probably wouldn't worry at all...
Fingers crossed that everybunny stays healthy for you Amy. I really do hope your vet tech is able to help out too :)

Glad to hear Little Bunny is feeling a bit better today. She's certainly been giving you some scares! :(

((( hugs))) to yourself, Chase, and Little Bunny
Tracy, She did have her teeth checked after her GI stasis. One side is getting close to the root but the vet said it was nothing that should be causing problems but is something we should watch because it could cause problems down the road.

The only reason I am hesitant to ask the vet tech to come is because she has so much experience with cats and dogs. That sometimes she feels really comfortable and confident doing somethings to the bunny's that could be harmful to them. She would never purposfully do anything to hurt them. When she helped me with both bunny's, there were somethings she suggested that she was sure that it would be fine because they do it on cats and dogs all the times and I wouldn't let her unless I knew it was safe or checked first. I could tell her to call me before doing anything. But she is a very confident person, as she should be, she is a great vet tech. I am just afraid she may try something she is confident would be fine. I am torn on what to do.
I'm wondering if maybe it is enough to cause her problems? Was it a spur or two she had?

Some bunnies can tolerate a lot of discomfort in their mouth, others can tolerate very little. My Hope crumbles at the sign of a tiny spur, yet others can tolerate a lot more. I would think there is a reason for these GI issues, so that's why I've raised it because it has potential to be.
I had to look at her records because I couldn't remember. Under Oral Exam it says "small lingual spurs on bottom arcae, otherwise within normal limits." Under Skull Radiograph it says "All within normal limits. No evidence of root impaction, abscess, tumor, fluid in sinuses or boney abnormalities.

I am going to call the vet tomorrow and talk to them. Whatever it was, Little Bunny was in a lot of pain.

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