How is this different!!! **Rant**

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I understand human life is human life. However, to me ALL LIFE is life. I've been reading an article about some murders after Katrina. These doctor's euthanised some sick patients in a hospital after they couldn't be rescued.

One person in the article said:

"Euthanasia is something you do to a horse, or to an animal. When you do it to people, it's called murder."

How is it different!!! Horses and animals feel just as much pain, why is their life so much less when it comes to killing an animal. Why, because they can't speak and TELL you they are in pain?!

Let me tell THEM something. I live in south Louisiana, I went through Katrina, and I went through the clean-up afterwards. There were animals that were tied up in highschools because their owners couldn't bring them. Some sat there and drowned, while others were shot to be put out of their misery. Want to know what was done about it? Nothing, because it was deemed'mercy' to put them out of their misery. WRONG!

It's not right to take a human's life. And it's not right to take an animal's life. But I've heard that STUPID QUOTE said so many times, that it is okay to kill an animal, but it's murder when done to a human.


Okay, I'm done now. :cool:

Well, I gently disagree. I believe human life holds more value. I understand where you're coming from but - well, let's just throw this out there - have you ever squashed a bug? If you want to put animals and humans on the same level, you have to put mosquitos and ants and fishon the same level. Do you eat meat? I think we can all agree its morallywrong to eat another human, but not meat..well it became meat by someone killing the animal....just another perspective i thought i'd throwoutthere...don't get me wrong though, i love my animals, especially thebunnies but when it all comes down to it, i hold human life at a much higher value.
Actually, let me re-phrase it, cause I think I ranted wrong, LOL.

I hold human life at a much higher value too. It just upsets me when someone makes the comment that killing is okay for animals, but not for humans. It's not okay for humans OR animals.

I do agree about the bugs and fish. It just upsets me that it's okay to torture and kill a rabbit or dog or cat, and only serve a year or so, but it's different for a human murder. I think the penalties should be about the same, ya know.

Then again, I have a lot of flaws in my statement, I assure you. I was just ranting over that one quote and the way it was stated.

I'm a little :crazinesstoday.
See I look at it in a different manner. They can put an animal out of its misery when it is sick and dying but people have to suffer through the pain. I know my Grandpa was in a lot of pain when he was dying of bone cancer yet there was nothing we could do but sit and watch. There was no hope in curing it and sometimes I wish that people could be put out of there misery instead of being forced to suffer like that.

I don't agree with animals being shot and left to drown, but I would certainly euthanize them if I felt it was in their best interest. I think it should be the same for humans as well.
MBB, I agree with you.

Now, if an animal or a human was sick or dying, they should not be left in pain.

However, I'm just upset at some of the laws that allow people to torture rabbits and dogs and cats, and only get a slap on the wrist. While it's different with humans. Those animals feel just as much pain, and are just as scared, ya know?

I think I'm a little biased, because I've seen SO many animal abuse cases and nothing is ever done. I've seen people purposely run over a dog in the road, and purposely slam a brick down ona frog, and purposely hit finches with a baseball bat. It's sick, but none of these people ever got in trouble because "it's just an animal". That's the part that hits me.

People can tell you when they are in pain or scared or nervous or hurt. Animal's can't. Domesticated animals depend on people to take care of them, and figure out when they are sick and hurt, and depend on them to make them better.

BTW, I'll use Harper as an example. He's an abuse case. Before Harper was rescued by me, he came from a 'breeder farm' where they bred animals for snake food and human consumption.

Harper was hit with sticks, poked in the eye, hit in the head, and slammed against the sides of cages, all because he was nervous and would try to fight back when he was hurt. The more he fought, the more he was abused.

When he came in a couple days before I rescued him, he came in as snake food for a customer for their 16 foot bermese python. They couldn't find the phone number to the guy (because I threw it away, and no one knew that) to tell him his rabbit had arrived. The guy who brought Harper in brought him in by his ears, with Harper making a grunting, painful noise.

Afterwards, he was thrown into a carrier, where he didn't eat or drink for 2 days, because he was "a feeder rabbit" and it didn't matter. If he starved to death before the guy bought him, no one cared, he then they wouldn't have to take care of him anymore.

When they tried to go into the carrier to grab him, and he fought back, he was punched, the carrier was kicked with him still in it, he was slapped, and had water and soda thrown at his face to get him to "behave".

This isn't justice, and I'd like to smack every single person who did that to him. They should ALL be in jail. But because animal life is held in so low of a perspective, nothing was done because "it's just a feeder rabbit".

I know. I watch Animal Cops on TV a lot and I agree. But things are changing in many places in the States and harder penalties are being slapped on people more frequently. Unfortunately, Canada has no followed suit as of yet.
Theres a lot of quotes similar to that. There was one I saw on a billboard with a picture of a small baby on it, and it said 'kill me yesterday, its abortion, kill me today, its murder'.

I think what you're saying is not that animals shouldnt be killed, but that killing an animal should be done with the same (or almost the same) attitude as killing a human...aka, out of necessity or for the wellbeing of the animal..or something like that ;)
MBH - Oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to poor Harper and I do agree that people who abuse and torture animals should face stiffer penalties. (MUCH stiffer)
dreamgal, you quoted me perfectly! Sometimes my points come out all jumbled up, I'm bad at that, LOL.

Calderon, I agree, the penalties should be much stiffer. Harper has a wonderful home now though, so I am thankful for that! The company where he came from was originally shut down 3 years ago for animal cruelty. The guy who owns it now is the SAME guy who owned it before! However he changed the name of the company, and the area's he distributes in, and was able to open up again somehow. It's sickening.

Oh I agree both human and animal life is equal,neither,nor is more important or precious than the other.And I disagree that a human is more important than a animal. *frowns*
Well i have another thing to add.

When are they going to legalise assisted suicide? Assisted suicide and putting down an animal are kind of the same. Obviously animals can't ask for it, but when they are in that much pain sometimes we have to do it for them. They can't do it themselves so we should take responsibility.I eat meat, i'm against most extreme animal rights activists. I squash bugs. I don't ever want animals to be held in sucha high regard has humans because it would cause so many problems. Animals should be given respect but not treated the same as humans all the time.

My Grandad shot their puppy once. She got hit by a car, was only a few months old. She could only run in circles and pant. Half her face was hanging off. Vets was miles away.

I do agree with what your saying about that quote though. I think:

If a person asks to be killed (not for depression, for a disease) they've obviously thought about it lots. If i get some horrible disease putting me in pain i wouldn;t want to live for much longer.

If an animal is ill,being their guardians we should take responsibility. The animal can't tell us that it wants to die so being its way of contacting with the world we are the ones that make the decisions.

I almost cried reading what happened to poor Harper. I just can't stand any cruelty to animals or humans. Poor little guy.
I know the world is biased and unfair. But just think about how humans are treated in other countries than USA and Canada. When I read what happens in China, how people get prosecuted for their beliefs. Also I heard so much about what happened to people in Russia during USSR. Its all makes you upset that people can be like that.

I am just trying to say that people get treated no better than animals, its just depends where you look and nobody gets punished for that.
I've only just read your "feeder rabbit" story.

Thats horrible.. i believe that snakes do eat rabbits and other small animals and its essential to them. I don't mind that babies are bred to be eaten. Its part of natural life.

I was watching Richard and Judy the other day (if you don't live in UK, its this little chat show thats been around for ages, this couple called Richard and Judy. A bit of a classic :p) And they were talking about this special type of beef. I can't remember what it was called but it was japanese.

In Japan they belive that the animals that are killed for meath should have the best life possible. They got massages everyday and given cow friendly BEER and had beautiful fields to roam in. Even the killing process was done in order to cause minimal stress. The result from this was lovely meat. Because the animals had lived such a nice life they didn't release all the toxins caused by stress.

As i said before, i'm fine with a rabbit or mouse being bred to feed another animal. I just wish they'd get the nicest life possible. The whole "just a feeder rabbit" thing is horrible. If i hada snake i would want to make sure all the babies i fed him had a nice life. No animal deserves cruelty, whatever they're purpose on this planet.
Just to make it clear, it not part of a natural life, since in natural life mostly sick and slow animals get eaten and strong ones survive. Feeding all of the animals is not natural, its human made.

pinksalamander wrote:
I don't mind that babies are bred to be eaten. Its part of natural life.
OK, so its not completley natural. But would we rather the animal (snake) die because he is not fed. If we did not feed him he would die, and that would be considered animal cruelty.
pinksalamander wrote:
OK, so its not completley natural. But would we rather the animal (snake) die because he is not fed. If we did not feed him he would die, and that would be considered animal cruelty.

I dont think snakes should be kept as pets at all.:D
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
pinksalamander wrote:
OK, so its not completley natural. But would we rather the animal (snake) die because he is not fed. If we did not feed him he would die, and that would be considered animal cruelty.

I dont think snakes should be kept as pets at all.:D

I agree snakes should not be kept as pets they dont need a humans help not all of them,besides a simple fact is if you let a snake you it can catch prey by itself and live just fine. but rabbits are and should be pets they need humans for love,shelter and care.
I agree, I don't like that statement either. I guess it depends on a situation. If an animal is in sevre pain and dying, I see no other option but to put it down. I also believe if a person is suffering from an uncurable disease, they should have the option to have an end to their life. I guess when you kill something, if it's abug or a human, in my mind it is murder. You're still ending it's life. Who cares what rank it has?

I have no problem with feeder animals as LONG as they are treated like any other pet animal, and killed prior to being put in contact with the prey (Although I think some snakes only eat live food). I don't like exotic animals used as pets anyways. Most people don't know how to care for them, and get them illegally because they are 'cool'.

Also, just to say, if you let a huge snake out in the wild, it will die. Either from temperature conditions or starvation. They will be used to being hand fed their prey and probably won't have the natural instincts. They also would probably be destroyed or removed from the wild by animal control because they can be a danger.

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