How do you get your bunnie to like attenchin?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2011
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Carbondale, Illinois, USA
How can i get my bunny to be a little friendlier? I wanna be able to call her over and give her a treat, so she associates me with good things lol. but I know shes too young to have treats (8weeks) any ideas? she isnt afraid of me or anything, shes just very curius and wants to do her own thing ;) she comes over to see me but if i pet her she runs off like a little stinker and starts binkying lol but then again when i pick her up and put her in my lap, she lay there calmy for hours lol. shes a goofball! any tips?

Pipper does a very similar thing! She loves exploring, but it's hard to get her to just....chill haha. She's 3 months old, so also rather young. She likes her head to be scratched, but only on her time ;).

When I want her to come, I make a "kiss" noise over and over (like people do with their cats) and have a Timothy hay cube in my hand. She associates these with treats, thus associating the noise I make with getting a treat. She is also too young for fruits, so I use the cubes. It works for her.
Harley just warmed up to me tons when he was sick (got him too early and he got diarrhea).

When we first got him, he wouldn't come out on his own.
Now he loves being out and tries to get out all the time, he's a stinker.

Just give her a few days to get used to her own place, and I actually sung to Harley a lot and he'd fall asleep while petting him. Might have helped?

Try holding her and just sit together and give her pets :3 If she'll let you! haha
You know, when I think about it... I have no idea how to get a bunny to warm up to you XD. My Mom calls me a bunny whisperer because all of our rabbits except for one just naturally really like me.

Jabberwocky practically begs for attention. He'll run over and put his front feet on you, then if that doesn't work he'll sneak over and dig at my clothes before running off and binkying and if that doesn't work, he uses his fool-proof method... He'll start chewing and biting the carpet. He knows I'll run over to stop him and when I touch him, he binkies and stand up so I can get a better position to "scold" him. When he finally tuckers himself out, he'll come over to where I am sitting on the floor and flop against my leg, He's got me on a tight leash ya know!

Peace is a little more independant, but we expected that because that's what Belgian Hare's are known for. He runs around the room and does his own thing unless you know his weakness, something I tried when he was here for around a week and I trusted putting my face near his mouth. Ya gotta kiss him right on the top of his head. He doesn't like being pet, but he'll sit there and let you do that for hours!

Babbitty, Willow, Wallaby and Ty were always little attention hogs, so it didn't really take any kind of trick or technique, they just love being around people. It's hard to walk anywhere without them constantly being under your feet.

Popcorn was Mom's so I didn't even touch him for the first few monthes he was here because she wanted to bond with him... I think he's held a grudge against me ever since!

Star is like the reverse of Popcorn. No one else really handles him so he and I are really close, but he freaks if someone else touches him (When he went in for his nueter I really didn't think about it and when the vet tried to get him, he ran around the cage so hard that he went up on the side and ripped out his toenail :( ).

Kokomo is extremely picky on who she likes and it's near impossible to change her mind afterwards, but she likes everyone in the family so we're lucky there. She likes to pretend she's tough and runs over charging and grunting like she's going to attack when you stick your hand into her cage, but if you don't move your hand, she sort of looks at it like "Oh, OK." and she sort of flattens out and asks for pets XD.

Buttercup's been a bit harder because her last owner had her from birth and barely socialised her, so she was pretty timid at first. But now that we've had her for, what, a month and a half now?, she's really starting to come around already and stands up even on the agility course so I can pick her up easier. She's still a little timid at times, but she's coming around very nice. But it's just treating her like all my other buns...

Frost was a Princess. She was lovely as long as you knew who was boss, and it sure wasn't you XD. But she loved attention and was always extremely sweet, except for a short stage where she got pretty cage territorial, but she got over that phase fast.

Really, just spend time with them and bond and that will be all you need to get their attention.
thanks for the tips :)
the more time i spend with her, the more she is warming up :)
when shes in my room anyway, the other rooms she still has lots of exploring to do ;)
the bad thing is, is she likes to be by my feet! im afraid to sqush her! o_O
when she gets pooped out, she will come and sit by me, and get petted.. its so cute, then she closes her eyes
Need to give her time to settle in. Some buns are cuddle-bugs and others like you at feeding time. Time will tell. We've learned to shuffle rather than step when we are around the bunnies as a couple really like to sneak up on you.

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