how do you deal with the hair?

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Rabbit Hero

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I seem to go through this every year.

I sweep, vacuum, mop.... but still I just seem to smear or blow the hair around and my apartment turns into a huge fluff ball.

Any secrets out there?
when your rabbit starts to shed take it outside and brush it and brush it. Granted no matter what with any fuzzy beast your going to have hair lol, but try to get it brushed out atleast.
oh man my guys do not like being groomed let alone being held! I do it once a week and it's a struggle every time. But, your right, brushing it out is a good idea.
I just got 2 dutch rabbits and the male is losing hair like crazy, I've tried brushing it but the brush doesn't seem to get much, it seems like running my fingers along it get more hair than the brush but then of course that just lets the hair fly. Any recommendations as to a type of brush?
You know I just remembered something! Someone on this forum once recommended that you sit down with some paper towel and a bucket of water. You wet your hands and "pet" the rabbit. All the loose fur comes off and sticks to your hands. Then you just have them rinse them off in the bucket.
yep rabbit hero you are exactly right i have to do this with my older bunny and it works great:biggrin2:
I found a rubber curry face brush for horses at the tack and feed store and it worksSO well for grooming Gus.!JTIOf course, like EVERY brush I've tried, he hates it, so I only brush him once a week or so. But usually, I just pet him with damp hands, then ball up the fur and toss it in the garbage.

Hope that helps!

Aww I forgot the damp hands part, that would help keep the hair from flying off LOL. And I do have a rubber brush kind of like that, I will have to try that also.

thanks for the suggestions.
You can also purchase what is called a Grooming Mitt.
When you are petting them you are actually brushing and removing excess hair. ;)


Those mits don't work for my buns :/
One of my buns is half angora..and where he likes to sit on the carept, there is a literal "film" of hair. I can't even vacuum in out...I have to brush it up. And it comes back in like 3 days.

If brushing doesn't help, def get a air purifier!
I just used those sticky roller things on Popcorn and it looked like some guy got his hairy back waxed! Eww! I used two sheets and it got a LOT of fur after I just brushed him too
I vacuumed my mini rex Akina before!! lol she liked the sound and came around during vacuum time - silly wabbit! I wouldn't reccommend it though!! Unless your real sure bunny doesn't mind it. lol

The retail stores sell a rubber brush called Zoom Groom for dogs and cats. I picked one up and on Acacia it plucks and pulls all the loose furs out, I do this outside and by jesus the fur that comes off her flies around in the wind, gets caught in trees and I know some bird out there was raised in a nest of my bunny's warm fluffy fluff ^^ To improve the ZoomGroom and during a particularly nasty molt I wet the nubs of the ZG and brush away. Less fly-in-your-face furs and more to tug out!!
I use slicker brushes which have little wire teeth. They are very good at removing loose fur from the rabbits. They are sold for grooming cats and dogs.

Here is a link to a picture of slicker brush

They come in different sizes.

If you put a piece of carpet on a small table like a snack tray then put the rabbit on it for grooming they might sit still for longer periods of grooming.

Have a good day!
I just end up plucking all the little tufts of fuzz that appear on my mini rex Jezz's butt, only place they appear. She hates being held and brushed, so that's what i end up doing.
I have a purple bathroom rug that I use to groom and work with my rabbits, I place it on my table and for the most part they stay on it. They get their brushing and special ME time there. I haven't had a problem with any of them not liking it.
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I have hardwood floors in most of the house and the fur just blows around like tumbleweeds! The most effective thing we've done is put an area rug down in their pen. Now, most of their hair seems to stick to the rug and I can just vacuum it up every couple of weeks.

When vacuuming, I'll do the rugs, then attach the long wand thingy and use it to get the fur and dust in the corners where it's hardwood and hard to reach (like behind the bunny proofing). I find that the wand thing sucks the hair right up without blowing it around too much. If I try to use the vacuum normally on the hardwoods I just end up with fur flying.