How do you clean your bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Riverside, California, USA
Twigs well lets just say STINKS. I know that un-neutered bunnies smell more then fixed ones. But what can you do to cut down on the smell besides getting him fixed. I know you can't give them a bath, but what about those powders or waterless shampoo's they sell at the pet stores. Or is there some kind of baby wipe like thing I could use? I have yet to clean his anal scent glands (just learned about them last week) but will that help?

I know that a rabbits skins is very sensitive so I don't want to do anything that will hurt him. THANKS for the advice.
I'm curious to know too! Pierre has made a habit out of curling up in his litterbox (gross!) and sleeping and it is getting kind of ridiculous. ha :)
Yeah, Ripley always has a yellow butt. I'm trying to figure this one out as well.
If the bun seems exceptionally stinky, first check to make sure the scent glands aren't filled with nasty debris. To remove pee stains, put a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar/water in a spray bottle. Spray a bit on the pee stain, then work it into the hair with a washcloth. After that, mix cornstarch into the wet pee-stained area. When it's dry, brush out. If the rabbit has most of its body stained, obviously only do a portion at the time (so he/she isn't soaked in vinegar/water).
Derby was the most stinkest bunny possible before we had him neutered. Not only him, but his poo was beyond smelly. I used unscented babywipes and a q-tip to clean out his glands. Just gently push the area around his penis aside and clean out the muck with a damp q-tip, if really bad use a unscented babywipe. I changed his litter box every other day, if I didn't the bedroom was unbearable to sleep in. Now he is neutered it is like day and night. Stink is gone. One of the other reasons to have a male bunny neutered.
It seems like that would burn. Isn't there anything milder you can use, like kitten or ferret shampoo? Why can't a rabbit have a bath?
Elliot wrote:
It seems like that would burn. Isn't there anything milder you can use, like kitten or ferret shampoo? Why can't a rabbit have a bath?

Rabbits because they clean themselves like cats generally do not need baths. I have actually never given any of my rabbits baths in 4 years of owning 20+ rabbits. Many people do clean up baths especially for older buns that have movement problems and ones that lay in their boxes. Also a bath can be pretty stressful. Of course given as a routine they might be used to it but I have some rabbits who dont even like me wetting their ears when it gets hot
Sebi got into something...idk what...whether he found a dead animal like the dog does to roll in idk..but i rubbed baking soda in his fur and it helped a bit. i would never bathe a bunny though, a petland in iowa was on the news a few years back for giving bunnys baths and they died
Well during are toe clipping moment today ,Twigs wrote about in on the bun only chat, I did get to check his scent glands and they were clean. But he did have two clumps of matted hair on his butt between his tail and belly beans. I have NO idea how I'm going to get to those. After today I'm sure he'll never let me pick him up again.