How Do People Manage Lots Of Rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
NoWhere, British Columbia, Canada
I'm very very interested in this! I spend SO much time with my rabbit but I always feel I want to do more! How do people that have 2 or more rabbits manage it?

I'm also very curious in getting Pembrooke a friend, chances are not but I'm thinking about it!

How do you feel that you spend enough time with them? What made you want to get more then two? How do they get along? Are they all bonded together or does each one have a bondmate?

I admire people that have many rabbits very much, but not so many they become a hoarder! It seems VERY awesome to have more then one rabbit!

I think right now me and Pembrooke's bond is very strong and I'm happy and comfortable with just one rabbit!

Thank you ahead of time! I'm super duper intrested! So thank you~!~

OoohI'm interested too! I'd love to get Harvey a buddy I just don't have the room. What with me and the two cats and Harvey in a one bedroom apartment haha.
You sort of have to make time for them and make it quality time. With multiple rabbits, not everyone can be out at once, so you need to rotate run times. Depending on how many you have, some might not get to run everyday, but should get out a few times a week.

I currently have 6 rabbits in the house, 5 a permanent and 1 I am trying out to see if he gets along with Lillian. Only 2 of them are bonded, and the others all have separate cages.
My 1st was because I wanted a rabbit, fairly simple. Then I decided he needed a friend, so came #2. #3 was because I wanted a lionhead. Beyond that was just because I wanted another for one reason or another. Most of them were not gotten to be bonded, so I was not worried about that.

I must admit that I think I am at my limit for now. It takes around 2 hours to fully clean all the cages. While I can afford them, more could be tricky. The time is not a huge issue, but since I am the one doing everything it can be a bit much. This is not to say I would not get more if the situation was right, but for now I have enough. (Now watch me get another one next week :p )
Well, all mine get quality time out whenever I'm free, which is a fair chunk of the day. If a bunny doesn't happen to get out one day, they are the first out the next to ensure it stays fair. None of ours our bonded. We have 12 in the house right now, one looking for a home, while the others are ours.

The first bunny I got was because I wanted one and got Frost for Christmas. Unfortunatly she passed away.
Willow and Babbitty were rescues.
Shippou was a rescue that we planned on keeping, but some circumstances arose where we had to give him up.
Star was planned, so we wound up getting him.
Then came Popcorn who was because Mom wanted a bunny.
Then came Wallaby as a rescue.
Ty came next, he was a rescue that we originally got to find a home for and he wound up staying.
Then came Kokomo who was supposed to be rehomed (And we actually DID rehome her TWICE only to have her returned because of "aggresion") but she wound up staying.
Then Peace and Jabberwocky came at the same time, they were planned from a LONG time in advance as we wanted a Belgian Hare.
Buttercup was another rescue.
Flynn was a birthday present, she was in a friend's pet store for quite a while and we met her a few times.
Spyro is at our house looking for a home, but Mom's getting attached so I wonder how much longer we'll be "looking".

As you can tell, we don't really plan to keep bunnies.
We also do Agility, so they get plenty of time out doing that as well. In our defence, we have rehomed around 30 or so rabbits so we aren't hoarding ;P
I have 4 rabbits, in two pairs. Each pair has a room, so I don't worry about out time as much as making sure they feel loved. We do a lot of tv cuddle time. I snuggle a pair at a time, they each get about an hour of snuggling, brushing, reading time per evening.

I started out with Becky. Then I read they do better in pairs, so I took her to the shelter to pick out a mate. She picked Cinderella. However, when they got home the two really didn't hit it off. They fought enough I decided a third might be a good idea to release some pressure. They both went to the shelter for dates. They picked Houdini. Cindi and Houdini instantly bonded, but they started to pick on Becky. So, Becky was on her own a while. Indy came up for adoption and it was an instant hit with Becky so she would have a mate. Indy passed away and Becky was sad, so that is why we have Ghirardelli.

Four is my limit due to cleaning. Between the rabbits and 2 cats we have 6 litter boxes in our house and it takes a whole weekend day for me to do the in-depth cleaning for all my animals.

I think my bonds with the rabbits are just as strong with them having a mate, but they are happier and less stressed. The girls in particular still give lots of kisses and everyone likes to snuggle. I worry about them less during the day when I am at work and can't be with them. The best part is the new found confidence Becky and Cindi have since they have been paired with the boys. It really helped them come out of their shells.
Wow thanks!


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