How do I stop this behavior?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2010
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Maumee, Ohio, USA
We have2 femalebunnies thatare both free-ranging andlitter trained. We have one litter pan in our bedroom(where their "area" is set up- it's not a cage but it's as close to a "cage" for them as we have) and one litter pan in our dining/living room area and both are cleaned every other day at the least.

We got the 2 1/2 mth old about 2 weeks ago and now our older, 6 mth old bunnyhas started to piddle and poop everywhere! She used to be super with the litter box. We only everran into a little phase abouta month or two back where she was marking our bed at night when we were sleeping, but we began putting up a baby gate at nights so she could no longer get into our room and eventually we began letting her back into our room again and she has since left our bed "pee and poop free" which was great.

Anyways, now the problem is thatsince bringing home the little one Ruvy is now peeing and pooping everywhere: the floor by their litter pans, the carpets, my couch, even ME! And it's not even really "peeing" because they are just little spots and piddle in a stream(which I am assuming is her marking?). Not to mention that whenshe managed to pee on me it was when I was cleaning up their area and she came over,kicked out her back legsin a semi-hop jesture and "sprinkled" my arm with her urine. I love my bunnies but I was disgusted to say the least.

She's not agressive in anyway, and just LOVESbeing handled and loved on by us. We weren't even going to get another bunny if she didn't want a companion. But she just loves Maxi (we brought her with us when picking outthepossible new bunny). There's never seemed to be a problem between them.Of course, they did do the whole establishing who's theboss thingwhen we first brough the new one into our apartment, but since then the two have had no other "differences" between them. They aren't quite "inseparable" because Ruvy goes off and does her thing during the day and so does Maxi, but they don't like not being able to have access to one another if they want to be close.

I've learnt this because I have been blocking the new baby off at night thinking maybe it was her possibly, but it's not. It's Ruvy.Ruvy alsohas found a way to "break into" Maxi's night area so she can cuddle with her too if she wants too. And the past couple of nights, her being able to "break into" Maxi's inclosure hasn't been enough, she's felt the need to "break Maxi from the joint" as well. I woke up this morning with Maxi and Ruvy peeling off down our hall way playing with one another. It's cute and I hate to have to contain either of them but I can't stand this peeing and pooping everywhere! Nor to I understand why Ruvy is doing it now especially if she doesn't have a problem with the new addition? And how can I go about stopping this behavior? :?

I'd also like to add that I tried blocking Ruvy out of the bedroom again to deter her because she started doing it again only in our bedroom at first,but she now jumps over our baby gate so it's completely useless. I have also put her inour dog's crate one night to see how she did in there and she completely freaked out and flipped her litter pan over andpeed all over her blanket I had in there for her.

Should I try to contain her where Maxi is too? Do I need more litter boxes? Would spraying Ruvy with water when I catch her deter her? I've tried scolding her but she just comes up and rubs her head on me like she did nothing wrong. She's so lovey-dovey, and I don't want to wreck that in her by doing something that will traumatize her but I can't handle this behavior either. It's gross! :grumpy:Any help or advice would be grealy appreciated.

No Ruvy isn't spayed.
I was considering it when she started marking our bed, but when I called my vet, she said they could do it(because they DO tend to small animals- we chose them as our vet for both our dogs and guinea pigs, and now our rabbits), but they suggested another vet hospital in my area that is more experienced with sugeries like that; gave me a quote, and told me to check it out because my current vet's office only has the one vet available for the small and furry, plus where it's "uncommon" around here apparently, it's very pricey($200 give or take). But if I really wanted them to do it, they said they would. So anyways, this vet office they suggested is supposed to be the best in my area for small animals, birds, reptiles, etc... And where my office was hesitant to perform it, it made me nervous. I was also hoping they would be cheaper where they deal ONLY with these types of animals. I really don't want anything to happen to her either so I called and asked how much the spay was. The lady on the phone wouldn't even give me a quote on how much it would be she just got me to describe what Ruvy was doing and told me to just put her "back in her cage"(which she doesn't have, which apparently is also taboo to these people?! :ponder: ) when she started marking, and that spaying her wouldn't change anything; that it was very uncommon for a rabbit to be spayed or neutered! I then was told by some of the people on here to look into the Humane Society 'cuz apparently some do rabbits for cheap too? But the ones near me don't. I checked their site for my areas, and the only ones that show rabbits on their list are like an hour or two away. :in tears:
Ok, I just totally had a brilliant idea come to mind and I'm surprised I didn't think of it earlier... I had checked the websites throughly of the humane society, but never actually called. I'm going to now because I just thought of petfinder and wanted to see how far away the nearest rabbit rescue was in hopes of maybe finding out where they took their animals. The humane society popped up as the closest AND they have bunnies right now that are spayed/neutered... so maybe they DO spay rabbits and they just didn't get time to update their website? :? I could have swore they didn't have any a couple months ago. But I am gonna call in the AM just to see for sure then. *fingers crossed*
they probably have a vet that does it, but would find a cheaper vet

and also, she is marking her territory :) so spaying will help
mae9406 wrote:
No Ruvy isn't spayed.
Ah, okay. That's probably why she's peeing everywhere.

Hope the HS can help you find an experienced rabbit vet (with reasonable prices!) to get her spayed.

BTW, are you sure she's a she?Some of her behaviour makes me think she may actuallybe a he.Either that, orthe new bunny, Maxi, is a he. I'm not a bonding expert, butI don't know how common it is for twounspayed females to take such a liking to each other.

Hope that helps!

Ok so I had the wrong number for the Human Society, so I now have sent them an email in hopes of getting the right number to contact for spay/neutering questions.

Rue- First off, Thank you for making me second guess my "sexing" of the bunnies.(Not even sarcastically even either, I seriously mean it). But when I picked up Maxi we sexed her on the drive home, and compared and at the time they looked fairly similiar(she was 2 mths at the most). But your question made me want to get your guys' opinions. I just went to take pics to load up here to see if I had been mistaken, and I now KNOW I did. Their is now a little gap between Maxi's butt-hole and his pee whole and two little white nuts on either side(theirs no fur there either so it's very easy to see). It seriously looks like that area just "opened up" or something. I KNOW that wasn't like that 2 weeks ago. So hubs is now on board to getting one altered for sure now.. He was hesitant before because there was "no real reason" especially with the cost of it.
Now my new question, at what age can a male and female reproduce?
Yep, that's exactly why Ruvy is marking like crazy!

If he's only 2 1/2 months old, he probably isn't fertile yet, but you'll need to separate them just in case.

It's probably a good thing Maxi's a boy. Girls can be bonded, but a boy/girl combo is supposed to be easier to achieve. Usually, I'd recommend getting the boy neutered first (since it's cheaper and less invasive), but since Ruvy is marking everywhere, you'll probably want to lookat getting her spayed first. In time, you'll want to get Maxi neutered too, since, as he matures and his hormone kick in, he'll probably start marking too.

Hope that helps!

Thank you Rue. You have been very helpful. I was thinking the same thing about getting Ruvy done first and then in time get Maxi done so he doesn't start the same thing. My only problem is finding some place that will do it within my price range. If anyone knows any vet office that spays/neuters for somewhere between $50-$80, I'd LOVE to know! I'm in the Toledo, Ohio area...
I love the photo! If you can get either neutered straight away (next week) they can stay together but otherwise 10 weeks is the cut off for separating as you can't predict exactly when fertility sets in. Make sure they can still see each other to minimise the stress.

I totally agree your marking issue is probably going to be resolved with neutering. It might help in the short term to add extra trays. She wants her scent spread around but if, for example, she can mark each corner of the room whilst still using a tray she'll probably opt for that.
I have Maxi in my dog's crate right now(which is just for today) because Sara, our puppy, needs locked up when we leave LOL. I'm just in the process of re-arranging their area so that it will be an actual "cage holding area" (where neither can get in or out) of the sort until I get this resolved.
Ruvy is running around freely at the moment. I think for now I am going to change them out. Ruvy marks the most at night when everyone is sleeping so she will do best being caged at night, and I am going to let Maxi free-range at least for tonight and see how he does. If he does well then I will be able to give them both free-running time at least still. Of course they will still both get love and attention, but I just hate the idea of having to cage either one of them no matter how short of a time period. *sigh*

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