How do i keep my bunny from chewing cords

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Nov 22, 2006
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had a "shocking" incident bunny is ok, thank goodness, but how do i keep this from happeningwithout always having one eye on him. twister is an ornrycuss, but i love him. i have wire loom on some wiring, but ican't have it on all. i though of coating wires with tobascosauce or some similar method.
After replacing many many corded items around myhome I've basically figured there is no way to stop them from chewingcords except to put it out of their reach. So basically, youhave to 'bunny-proof' your home by putting away all wires or blockingthem off so that your little one cannot get to it.

I have tried tabasco, bitter apple spray, soap - nothing works forme. The best method is to eliminate the temptation alltogether - which unfortunately means rearranging your home abit. We try to tuck all wires up out of their reach and tapeit to the back of furniture etc. Also blocking off heavilycorded areas such as behind the TV etc.

After loosing a phonecord and acomputer cord we now only have the computer cord out in the open. Hidthe others behind the tv and made it inaccessible. Computer cord iscovered in a black plastic tubing and part goes under a rug. Ive alsoused Ivory soap.
Moving things out of bunny's reach is the firststep, wherever you can. Ive used tape and all kinds of hooks to stringthings up out of reach. Get down on the floor and try to see thingsfrom your bunny's point of view. Try to move anything hazardous.

For wires that must be where bunny can reach them, you can coat thesewith wire cover. I know sells a critter cordwire cover. Its a bit expensive though. You can buy basicallythe same thing at auto/hardware stores. Its a type of wire cover madeto cover exposed wires in trailers and cars and such. Its a thickribbed plastic that slides over the cord. This works great for me andis very cheap.

Hope this helps!
Heres a pic:


Its called wire loom (split). I got mine at autozone.
Hi, I bought the same stuff Haley suggested atIkea. I've also used the plastictubing that goesaround the shower rod, the only problem with that is it's not bendablebut it does come in PRETTYcolors.

Ooh...GOOD idea, Haley!! I think Imight pick some of that up for my girls as well. When they'reout, they're in a pen I made from NIC panels, but when they eventuallyget spayed and (hopefully) bonded, I want them to mostly just befree-roaming...without the pen.

Something my husband said this morning, "It's too bad the buns wouldnibble at our would be so nice to cuddle with them atnight..." I thought it was adorable...he's such asofty! :)

I know they would both be hair-nibblers, though...anytime a bit of myhair falls into their cage when I reach down to kiss them, theyIMMEDIATELY go for it, and try to nibble away like it's hay!Hehe!!

Wouldn't it be so cute to wake with a bun snuggling with your face, though?? dream...:)
I buy "magic pens " which are plasticinterlocking fences about 3 1/2 ft high and block off areas ex. thetelevision with all the cords,the phone on the coffee table with allthe cords are surrounded by a magic other words instead offencing in the buns I fence off the stuff that I don't want them near.My bunnies are not even free roam but when I do let them out it isalmost unreal how they find something to the wall boards. Iwould like to line all the walls with magic pens. I don't trust stufflike soap and tabasco ..I have too many cords!!!!