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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
my 10 week old bunny wont stop pulling on my carpet, and digging at it. what should i do to get him to stop? because doing that will ruin the carpet right?
Probably, and if he injests too much of it it can lead to a fatal blockage.

What I do is if I see her, I stomp my feet and clap myhands and make this grunting noise.. she usually stops.
Try stomping. In rabbit talk this means "danger" so he might stop doing it. This has works with Pebbles. Also if she doesn't listen I clap a bit louder and come towards her. She knows who's boss!
When we lived somewhere with carpet, Maisie knew her name quite well...and when I said it in that tone, boy she stopped! Lol...but not without making that mischevious little's a picture of what I mean...

This is the "Who me?! No...that was some other bunny!" look...


Another thing you can try is a sharp, loud shriek whenever he does it. It helped alot with Devon and Amber.
I know when Holly would/does this I try to slide something under her to distract her. I've found that flat fedex envelopes work well. As a plus the envelope became a new object for her to shred.
If there is one spot that the rabbit seems to dig at more, try placing a big cardboard box with lots of shredded paper in it. If it can dig and burrow in something, and combined with a stern 'no' and picking the rabbit up and putting it in the box, it should eventually get the idea. You can also put something like a loose tile down in spots where the rabbit digs, most only dig in corners/against things and putting a tile there will protect the carpet.
jordiwes wrote:
You can also try giving him lots of chewing alternatives, and using a spray bottle for punishment.
The spray bottle works well. It startles/distracts them just enough to get them to stop, but it doesn't harm them. They probably have a hard time associating you with the spray bottle, too. IOW they're not really sure how they got squirted. Now ,I could be wrong about this and be in all kinds of trouble with my bunnies :?

The only way I was able to get Tootsie to stop digging was to cover the spot. In her case I had to put pegboard down in her entire pen area.
She also LOVES to chew on her cage and pen. It drives me absolutely BONKERS with the noise. I found a solution that seems to work very well. In the spot where she chews, I hand several of those plastic link baby toys and she chews on them instead. They're something like these.....

....I got a whole bunch at the dollar store and use them for all kinds of bunny things. Unfortunately they don't work for carpet digging problems unless you use them like little bunnie handcuffs :cop
manda wrote:
lol! i got a bunch of those plastic rings too. i use them when i make my own bunny toys, etc.

ive never tryed them as bunny handcuffs:p

I've found several uses for them. :D
I think the best one is to anchor the litter pans in the cages.....I think I posted a few "Uses of Links" picc in our blog....have to check a little later.

Ah HAH!! So that's the REAL reason you have so many bunnies...they just can't ESCAPE!! :shock2::rofl::rofl:

JimD wrote:

Unfortunately they don't work for carpet digging problems unless you use them like little bunnie handcuffs :cop
I have a "digger" too. My spayed female, Ellie, LOVES to dig at stuff in her room. Thankfully she is on concrete but I put a large plastic dog crate in there for her thinking she might like to sleep in there. I put a ton of fresh hay in there too. She prompty kicked all the hay out and spends a good portion of her day digging her way out of the back of the crate. She never gets anywhere but who knows what is going through her head. Since she's bonded to my male and they've been living together full time, the digging has subsided immensely. Now they like to hang out under the hay table next to the crate.You can also try putting a telephone book in the corner. My guys love to shred and dig at them. I rip out any glossy pages or advertisements. The regular pages are usually printed with soy ink and are non toxic. The quiet sound of paper ripping is far less grating than digging at plastic all day/images/emoticons/wink.gif
I have a digger also he's a mini rex,But it's odd everytime I take him out and let him hop well if I ignore him for a sec then he'll start to act naughty or yess pull at the carpet he would eat it too it I dont take it from him.:)

He he boys what ya gonna do.:bunnydance:

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