How can I get her to trust me?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
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I got Willow just recently. I don't know what happened to her before she became a part of my family or if that's just the way she is. She is so skittish and scared of any human interaction. I know that usually rabbits hate being picked up but Thumper doesn't like being picked up and he doesn't run away whenever I pet him or walk past him. So I really do think she's scared of us. Whenever I go to pet her she runs off before I can get my hand to her back. when she doesn't run and allows me to pet her it's almost like she's too scared to move because she doesn't move an inch. She was like this when we got her. I know it's not ideal to pick rabbits up often but she's on the top half of the cage and their play space is in the basement. Their cage is upstairs in the bedroom with me so that's 2 flights of stairs to go down to get to the basement so I need to carry them down. Thumper doesn't mind being carried but he prefers not to be.. Willow will try to jump out of y arms which scares me because she's still a baby and she's still a little skinny to be jumping out of my arms. She was so skinny when we got her that when I picked her up I could feel every bone. I suspect she wasn't treated very well because the owners were so desperate to sell her and her litter mates that they just dropped them off at the pet store in a tiny cage. So is there any way to get her to trust me? I don't care how long it takes to earn her trust. It breaks my heart to see her so scared. A list of trust exercises would be wonderful to have
Time, patience, and bribery have always worked very well for us. With the skittish bunnies, you have to let them come to you rather than follow them around. Good luck.
Unfortunately whenever you pick her you're setting your bonding back. I carry my unholdable rabbit in a carrier when I need to bring him upstairs, this will get rid of any worry about her jumping out and make her feel more secure. Don't force her into the carrier though just lure her in with treats.

As for bonding:
  • Lying on the floor and letting her climb on you. This will give her the ability to go at her own pace.
  • Sitting quietly with her ignoring her. Have treats on your lap or next to you. This will reward her for coming near you and let her approach you when she wants to.
  • Read to her. Lets her get used to the sound of your voice.
  • Be patient and let her come to you.
  • Just spend time with her and reward her for coming near you. Remember that rabbits are prey animals and when a stranger comes at them they don't think new friend they think predator. They need to associate you with positive things.
Willow and I have just had a breakthrough! I say on the floor with and each time she got close she received some lettuce. Each time I tried luring her closer to me by keeping the lettuce close. And all of a sudden without even luring her close she jumped on my lap! I gave her extra pieces of lettuce for it! I'm so proud of her! ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391737414.438543.jpg
I personally don't think that picking up rabbits sets bonding back so I suggest that after she gets used to humans you should pick her up and hold her (sort of cradling her) and stroke her. I do that to my rabbits often and they seem very used to me and other humans.
Me too! I've had the personal experience that holding doesn't set it back. I mean it's not proven that it's the same with ALL rabbits but Thumper would scratch and kick when I picked him up. Now he loves to be picked up and cuddled because he knows he gets loads of petting and treats for allowing me to pick him up. I try to associate picking them up with feel good things like treats and massages and so far it's worked out very well with Thumper
Lady won't let me pick her up with a ten foot pole. I put her in a carrier when I need to move her or else she would be getting hurt. I've only had her since November and she looks like Willow.. I'm working on that, but if she never let's me that is ok. Chico and Chica who I have raised from 4 days old won't let me pick them up either... and I'm the only mommy they have known, BUT they let me tickle their tummies and stroke them under their chins and other things that other bunnies won't let you do, so I see that as a trade off. I sit on the floor with Lady and Brooke who I rescued at the same time and stroke and pet and kiss and massage them. They are coming around. It just takes time that's all..

This is a photo of her before she got fixed sitting in my lap for a few seconds before hopping away..


Unfortunately whenever you pick her you're setting your bonding back. I carry my unholdable rabbit in a carrier when I need to bring him upstairs, this will get rid of any worry about her jumping out and make her feel more secure.

Ditto. I do the same thing with all my bunnies except Brooke..
It's the safest way.

I'm sure it just depends on the rabbits. I do have a rabbit that likes to run away when I try to catch him ( I assume that is due to him being a Tan which is a breed made for running), but he doesn't mind being held at all.
Luna and I are working on building trust. For 2 or more hours each day, I sit in her xpen with her while she hops around.
I suggest a treat reward system. Associate being good with humans with getting treats. That's what I've done with all my rabbits.
What I did with my rabbits is I sat with them while they played and if they got close to me I have them a healthy treat and each time they've gotten closer to me each time. Thumpers completely fine with me now. He follows me everywhere wondering where I'm going. I'm working on Willow but she seems to be doing very well since she's jumped on my lap
But really it's up to the rabbits what they will allow you to do to them. Some don't mind being handled and some do. I'm just thankful that Thumper is one of the few rabbits that enjoy being held and snuggled
Yes after owning quite a few rabbits I have learned how different their personalities can be. I have a snuggle bunny in my family, Thomas. He's such a cutie!!

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