How can I convince my parents to get a rabbit? (again)

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New Member
Aug 19, 2020
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Matthews, NC
Ok, to give a bit of context . . . When I was eight I got a bunny for Christmas. I loved her to death! But then, she bit me and I completely lost interest. In my opinion, I was too young to have had a pet, no matter what the pet. I just wasn’t ready. But I’m older now, know just about everything about rabbits, and I realize everything I did wrong that could have led to aggressiveness. I just need to convince my parents. They know I can take care of pets now as I have gone above and beyond for my hamster, but that bad rabbit experience is still just . . . there. Please help?
I'm 14 as well so I sympathise
1st of all please consider adopting from a reputable shelter
2nd watch this video
If you do get bunny you are welcome/encouraged to ask questions 😁
This is a VERY helpful forum ;)
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I hope you also consider what to do later if you plan to move out and your furture plans. I have friends that regret having their bunnies because they haven’t died when they are planning to move out or study somewhere else. It can be a hazle trying to find apartments that accept animals. Myself know it because I’ve jumped around with one of my bunnies, because of apartments when I studied in another city.

I couldn’t live in any student rooms because I had a bunny and had to search for apartments that allowed pets. Myself had to live 3 hours outside my university, just to have my bunny with me. Not a funny trip doing that trip early morning to get to university, specially when I had to be at the university at 8. But myself would never leave my bunnies, they are a package with me ☺️

I don’t know if you can try be a bunny sitter and ease it in to get a bunny later. Sometimes telling and doing research aren’t enough. It can help showing with actions, so being a bunny sitter can help. I know in sweden a few breeders can let you rent a bunny to try owing a bunny and see if it fit the family and something they want to own. It cost a bit of money but seem like a smart idea when doing it correctly. It cost more renting than buying a bunny but it can rule out if any person are allergic to the bunny and people that have thoughts to get a bunny.

Because you need your parents to want to help, so the vet costs can be covered. It can be expensive owing a bunny when it comes to vet costs. Myself often works just to save up money and I’ve burnt up a large part of savings on one of my bunnies 😒

Myself only got my bunny again when I moved out and could pay for my bunnies alone.
Yes. It is expensive owning a rabbit. Reputable rescues will screen and can provide more information on a particular rabbit's personality. Your parents have to be onboard with care of your beloved pet and be ready to bun-proof the home you all live in.
10-14 years if you adopt a youngster who's already sp/eutered from a shelter or rescue. -

Our children lost interest in the stray dog we acquired (found running loose in a cottage-type area). Driver's ed, getting their driver's licenses, part-time jobs, dating, ... and our dog that the kids pleaded for us to forever-home became my responsibility to talk for walks, feed, groom, etc., while they were into other interests. Make sure your parents are aware of the lifelong responsibility and DVM care needed. Plus their wallet is ready to accept the hundreds to thousands of dollars over your pets lifetime of care.

"No longer keep" was a reason frequently seen on the shelter surrender tags.