Hot and Humid, but air is on...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Land o Lakes, Florida, USA
Oh boy!

The past three days have been hot and very humid (90 degrees). Although I have a small air conditioner and some fans, can the bunnies still feel uncomfortable?

Half day yesterday and this morning, Bob and Zeus haven't moved much or eaten much.

Bob has been sitting in the corner of mybedroom on top of a old metal grid thing on my floor. Zeus has been sitting by his cage, where a slight cross breeze can be felt from the fans. I heard Bob around and about last night, andhopping intohis cage to go tothe bathroom.Frommy room , I can't hear Z very well.

Neither one os eating this morning...
I have put cool clothes, and water bottles near them.Their ears feel cool. The temp in my house is 71.
Zeus jusy wentunder the bed where he ususally takes his afternoon nap...

Bob is stretched out like a cat (on the metal thing), which I know means he;s comfortable.

I have clicked on library topics aboutcooling bunnies and heat stress, but it says topic cannot be found.

Any ideas?Am I over worried? Could something else be wrong?

If your house is in the 70's and you have all that air circulating, I'd say you all are doing just fine. :)

My two guys are lounge lizards and it's not unusual for them to chill out all morning, or afternoon, not doing anything! :p

Any change in habits is very important to monitor, but it doesn't sound like this is a heat stress issue for your bunnies. Something else may be bothering them.
I worry b/c they haven't eaten much...little nibbles, and they are drinking some water and peeing...

They too are "lounge lizards" ... Bob sometimes doesn't eat, but it's a change for Zeus!
I am wondering too...I am in the process of moving and my house is in disarray...could htey be sensing that? I've also been doing bonding activities..could that be it?

Other than that, their food has been the same...

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