Home sick

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Jun 2, 2006
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Do bunnys get home sick. If you move one day and it is still 5 months later, can the bunny miss the old home and as a result have stress 5-6 months later????
I have had bunnies pine, but not for more than a week.

What makes you think something is wrong? Are there any symptoms you can describe?
Hair lose in chunks and a hai ball that doenst go awya for 2 months
That doesn't sound like homesickness that sounds like a moult.

How long have you had your rabbit? How old is it? What season is it there?
Its spring here in Ny. He is 1 year and 2 month sold. The rest of his body isnt losing hair, just near hit tail. The hair that falls out isnt his natural chocalote color, it is greyish.
It's spring here too and our buns are all having a huge moult. At that age its likely this is his first proper moult.

When you run your hand over you bun, from bottom to head (i.e.backwards) what colour is the bottom of the hair? Often even black bunnies have a lighter colour at the bottom of the hair, could this be the grey bit that you are seeing?

Rabbits don't tend to moult all at once, some go from head backwards,others go from tail upwards, so go down their back, then down their sides and head last (these are just how my buns moult).

Obviously, if you are concerned, take him to the vet.

How does he seem in himself? How do you know he has a hairball? What is his poo like?
It does sound like a molt, which is normal this time of year. That being said, if its flakey, itchy, red it might be mites or fleas or something.

And you said you think he's ingesting the hair? Is he eating normally and are his poops normal?

Some people give their buns a little bit of pumpkin this time of yearto help encourage gut movement, along with the normal pellets and lots of hay.

I doubt this is related to a change in environment. Thats an awful longtime. If he's looking lethargic or down, it may be health related and you may want to make a vet appt.
The top of his hair is chocolate. The bottom of his hairs is light grey. When the hair comes out, It comes out wiht the root almost and contains brown ad grey hair. It seems as the though the area where is is currently bald, looks a little flaky, but I am not sure because the it does not flaky off liek dandruff.

The skin used to be red. I applied neosporin and in 4 days it turned white and now it looks like new blakc hair is growing in the bald spot

Could this be a nuitrition problem. I had stopped giving him pellet all together 3 months ago due to his hairball. I never gave him pellets again. Can hair fall out from malnutrition. Now i give him pellets about 1 tablespoon a day, because i am afraid to give him too much and clog up his tummy whihc is battling a hairball.

He seems like himself, play ful and smart. He poops less than normaland i find hair in his poop, connecting poops sometimes. and hisstomach is hard and hes very bloated, so I give him simethecone once-3times a da,a nd pumkin a few times a day. He alos get chikory,dandelion, and cilantro.
To be honest, I would take him to the vet so that the vet can advise you on what best to give him, how to help his tummy, whether or not he has mites, etc, and whether it needs any treatment.
So you haven't taken him to a vet yet?I still would have brought him because of the red skin, which was probably from urine burn.

Does he eat much hay?

Malnutrition is possible, but I'm not sure if he'd be loosing fur like that from it. You'll need to do a lot of research on no-pellet diets, it's a lot of work. Really your best bet is to feed at least a few tablespoons of quality, high fiber (18% +)pellets a day plus 5 or more types of leafy veggies plus some tiny amounts of fresh fruit for vitamins. Not to mention that it's best to feed multiple types of hay- timothy, orchard grass, oat straw,etc- too when you're feeding a low/no-pellet diet.

Here's some more info on different rabbit diets:

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