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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA

I'm new, my name is Rose.And mylittle "herd":

Smokey--13 yrs. old, Netherland Dwarf doe, major attitude!

Bunbun--8 1/2, Palomino buck, hopelessly in love with me for five years, sweet, funny, obnoxious,

Izzy (name on papers--Jsh's Confucia)--4 1/2, Holland Lop doe, so quiet and sweet it's unreal,

Pandemonium--3 1/2, Holland Lop, Izzy's daughter, deaf, wild, temper tantrums, assertive--and cute as a button!

Fenwick--3 1/2, Holland Lop, Izzy's son, proper little gentleman, finicky, pouts when thwarted,absolutely adorable.

And coming soon--Chester, Bunbun's son! (not born yet, but on the way!)

Happy to meet more rabbit folks!

Hi Rabbitgirl,

It's nice to meet you. I'm Wabbitwuv. I have onlyone rabbit, a mini rex - dwarf mix named Cookie. He is acharacter. He keeps us all in line.

My my, you have quite a few rabbits. How long have you and your family had rabbits? Where are you from?

Glad to have you on the site. It's a very nice forum, I havefound everyone here helpful, friendly and never short on goodadvice. Hope to see more of your posts.

Hello there! Nice to see new faces...I'mpretty new too. You have so many bunnies! They mustkeep you a very happy parent. I have only one fuzzy baby,Emmit. He's a mini-lop, and is just the sweetestboy. My fiance and I love himso much, and we can'twait to have more money and space so we can get him agirlfriend!

Nice to meet you, and I'm sure we'll run into eachotheragain...oh yeah, my name is Carrie :)
It's cool to see so many bunny people. My family thinks I'm nuts!;)

I've had bunnies for 13 years (I'm 23). I'm not a breeder, I just havea lot of pet bunnies and every once in a blue moonI plan alitter so I can have sons/daughters of a favorite bunny. LikeBunbun--he's so awesome. I wanted to have one of his sons because he'sgetting older. I hope it works out ok--I had to borrow a doe and I hopeshe's a good mom. She raised one litter just fine but it was only hersecond. She lost the first. :( I think it will be okthough--here's hoping!!!


My bunnies do keep me a very happy parent. Themore the merrier! It takes so long to feed them in the mornings becausethey all need love--but hey, it's my favorite part of the day.

Emmit's a cute little button--I want to post pics too sometime! But that means I have to get Bunbun to SIT STILL!

Bunbun was courting me tonight. It was so cute. He hasn't done that formonths because he's been quarantined (got fleas and tapeworm!). Nowhe's all healthy and I am absolutely paranoid about keeping him cleanand making sure he doesn't pick anything up when he's in his run. It'slike trying to keep a two year old clean because he loves dirt!


Hi Rabbit girl we think alot. My husbandalways asks to help me feed or clean up my buns and it is such arelaxing loving part of the day I say no. It isn't a job at all. I wasso sorry to here about your bun and glad he is OK. Even though it hasbeen tested my vet has nit used it and sticks with Advantage notAdvantix. It seems to help mine and maybe your little one just has verysensitve skin.
Welcome Aboard,Rabbitgirl!

Smokey's age is very impressive!

Happy to have you with us.


Wow 13 years old (smokey) thats a great age (I might luv it so much because Its how old i am but ther we go!!)

Any hoo

I have Ebony and Fidget. Fidget a few month old ginger and white dutch and Ebony s erm black.


wuv 4rm loz n ebs n fidget

wow-13 years is a long time.and wow-you sure do have alot of bunnies! :pwelcome! im jenn& my owner is batman! :D im 99.9% surehes a hollandlop...hes a baby-about 6mon. old. hes a sweetheart-but he totallythinks hes a dog. <3
I heard Advantage was a problem for some bunnies--heard anything about that? It's good to know what works!

Carolyn wrote:
Smokey's age is very impressive!

Too bad she's not a better bunny....she's more than half wild. I don'tknow why, it wasn't for lack of trying. But she never got friendly, nomatter what I did. I've never had another onelike that. Weraised her from a little one (8wks or so),and treated herlike all the others (with even more love and attention), but she turnednasty for no apparent reason. Now that she's blind she can't attackanymore but she runs and hides.

So I feed her, keep her healthy, and leave her alone. It'ssad--I wish she wanted attention like the others, but I could never getthrough to her. And it's literally been 13 years of trying. Maybe itwas something I did, but I can't figure it out. Poor old thing. I giveher treats and try not to scare her, but that's all she'll let me do.Maybe she was abused when she was really little, before I had her. Ormaybe she wasn't socialized right. It's a good day when she comes outof the box before I leave.

The other ones are obnoxiously friendly little beggars. Go figure!

batbunny wrote:
wow-13 years is a long time. and wow-yousure do have alot of bunnies! :pwelcome! im jenn & myowner is batman! :D im 99.9% surehes a holland lop...hes ababy-about 6mon. old. hes a sweetheart-but he totally thinks hes a dog.<3

Bunbun acts like a dog. He also thinks I'm the most beautiful rabbithe's ever seen! Fenwick, Izzy, and Pandemonium look like dogs--they areso cute. They're Hollands.

It's funny how different they are, given that they're all related. Izzy(or Ziggy, or Ziggybuggy, or Izzybug, etc.etc. :)) is the "perfectbunny". She is soooo sweet and gentle. We sit forehead to forehead and"bond" every day (while her daughter is having a fit in the next cageout of jealousy). She has no personality flaws--it's kind of weird!Pandemonium (no nicknames except "brat"! hehehe affectionately ofcourse!) is anything but quiet and gentle! She does everythingviolently. Even relaxing.....falls asleep instantly, sleeps like thedead, and wakes up in a panic. And Fenwick is a bit moody, pouty, andvery finicky. Weird! I thought Hollands mostly had similar personalitytypes. What is batman like?


Your name certainly suits you, Rose.

If anyone could've made Smokey come around, it would've been you.

No worries. She's just cranky by nature. She does love you, I'm sure of that.

We're so happy to have you join in.



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