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New Member
Aug 8, 2009
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Hello everyone,

I am new to this site but not to bunnies. I have had7 bunnies. 4 have gone to rainbow bridge. I have 3 at the moment Pepper, Poppy brother and sister and Outlaw a female who was found wondering our neighborhood and didn't want to get caught.

Hi AnnaMarie,

Welcome to the forum :)

I'm sorry you've lost some of your buns, but glad you still have bunnies in your life. Do we get to see some pictures?

I look forward to hearing more about your buns and look forward to seeing you more around the forum.

Take care

:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc.

You don't have to say what city your in but if you could update your profile with an area ofyour in, may be likeNorth west Ohio etc, that would help others provide you with info that may help you and your bunny.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I look forward to seeing some pictures or a blog about your life as a bunny slave.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures of your bun and stories about them.



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