hey there from me and my herd!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Hi there! My name is Bex, I have a small herd of mismatched rabbits; Nemesis (our big Polish doe), Artemis (the "market cross"), Niambi (our english lop princess), and Harold (our comatosely mellow english buck). I had a vienna-marked dutch who was my unofficial emotional service animal, but he passed away due to tragic and mysterious circumstances two days ago. My family and fiance have tried to be supportive, but most of them don't quite understand my attachment to the rabbits. Dungeon Bunnies is the name my fiance picked for our future rabbitry, since it ties in with our chainmail jewelry business "Dungeon Designs" (name used for context). I'm looking forward to meeting other rabbit fanciers!
Welcome! :) Everyone here seems to be uber attached to their rabbits as well, so you're in good company.

I'd love to see some bunny pics. And my girlfriend would like to know more about your chainmail business.
Welcome to the website. My name is Sarah and I show and breed tan rabbits in Texas.

Hope you enjoy RO!
My pics aren't always the greatest; I think we can blame my camera phone for that one. lol I'm actually JUST getting started in lops, my doe is about 5 months old, my buck is 2 yrs. Harold is so incredibly mellow and laid back! I love his temperament. :) We're trying to decide if we want to go into Polishes or not, but we have a great doe for it. Judges have said that she has great confirmation, she's just too large. (We call her the 7ft super model lol) I love all of our bunnies. Artemis is my son's rabbit, she's about the same age as my toddler and is so patient and even tempered, she's great. ^_^

Anyways, on to the pictures y'all asked for!


Nemesis (Nemi)





Harold (clinging to me)

I appreciate all of the warm welcomes! I'm considering at the moment renaming my rabbitry program after Minion in his memory. We're also considering therapy animals as the main focus of our breeding program. I already have the perfect buck for my englishes, and our polish and mutt are ideal for the job. My english doe is still a little high strung, I'm hoping she grows out of it! Lol we still love our little Princess Stompypants though. ^_^ I've been considering branching into coat breeds. Not sure what is a med-small rabbit with a soft coat (not a rex breed)? Nothing against rexes, I can't keep up with their nails and sore hocks. Although I LOVE their fur. <3
mini satins are very shiny and soft when they have good texture. Jersey woolys have GREAT disposition and dont require too much grooming at all.

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