Hey JAK!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Jesse, how are you doing?

What's the status of the Enderby rabbits these days?

sas :?
YEAH! I want some new pics of the furballs! :biggrin2:

ok that could be my catch phrase. "Show me the furballs" cause I love the pictures, but it sounds a bit creepy.

It is by absolute chance that I stumbled across this thread. I nver browse RO just looking for things to do anymore. I just have no time and I get kidn of bored just reading thread after thread and post after post. So if you want to draw my attention to a thread you'll have to PM me otherwise I'd have never known this was here.

Well I still only have that Enderby buck. The guy I got them from, last I heard, he said his heard came down with snuffles and he was giving them all medicine and he was considering giving them away to someone who would take care of them and appreciate them. And I was like ''me?'' and he said he's let me know. Well I was recently in a position to perhaps get another Doe so I emailed him and he's like '' yeah I gave them all to this chick here's her address''. I was so ticked. Thanks for thinking of me. So I googled her and got her email and sent her an emai land it got returned to me so I sent her a snail mail and that got returned to me so I emailed that guy again and I was like ''wtf help'' and he sent me her phone number which I haven't gotten around to calling yet.

I bred 2 more does yesterday. I'm expecting two litters of French Lops and one litter of Dutch on the 15th of December. And then on the 31st of December i'm expecting two litters of Dutch. These will be my last litters of 2007.

Caroline and Nieveh's babies just hit 6 and 7 weeks of age. I made u pwhtier pedigrees the other day b ut I haven't sexed or tattoo'd them yet. There's a little blue in Caroline's litter with a big blue spot between his shoulder blades. He's ALWAYS in the food bowl. All the time ev ery day. He sleeps and eats and craps in there. And the food dish is attached to the door so when I open the door....he always goes with it and he looks so confused like ''why....am I moving?''

Pam Liked my bowling ball Frenchie. har har.

I posted pics of my ''furballs'' in the Calisto and Demon thread just yesterday. Along with some video.

Erron got my Viva Pinata for PC. I've been playing that the last two days. I've finally attracted rabbit pinatas to my garden and now that's pretty much all I play with and I just breed rabbit pinatas all day and they ear daisies and carrots and they thhey turn red and fight each other and I have to call the doctor to fix the loser so that I can breed them again.

I went to an all night ceramics-painting party last night. It was from 6PM-6AM. Everyone brought a food item and we snacked and giggled and painted all night it was a blast. This woman was my ceramic's teacher for many years and Erron and I love going to her shop to paint all kinds of weird junk. Its something fun to do together. Then we enter our artwork in teh fair.
She gave me two pieces last time I Was there, she said it had kiln residue on it. BAsically they're like, light beige instead of white. But when it's painted you'll never know. So I got like $15 worth of free stuff. Can't argue.

I painted a wolf's head jar and finished painting my wyvern last night and then I started painting a piece with a native american paddling a canoe loaded with furs and a live wolf witting atop some skins. I'll take pict ures later, they came out really nice.

I think my horse is pregnant. But once I pay off Calisto's vet bills and order some bunny cages on Monday, maybe i'll finally get around to getting that checked out.


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