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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri, USA
I got the new bunny home yesterday. It is definately a boy! Here are a few pics of the cutie.




He is a sweet little boy. Not agressive at all. He doesn't even care if you rub under his chin. He really like the ball you can see in the second picture. He kept chinning it and carrying it around with him. I gave him a diggy box to play with and he loved it. He decided that the paper should get spread out all over though of course.


Mercury loves him too! The first thing he did when he saw him was groom him!

Then the bunny decided to hide under Merc.


Aren't they cute?

He needs a name. His name was thumper but I don't like that and he doesn't know it. any ideas?
What a beauty :) Great markings :D

I'm crap with name suggestions though, I tend I have to get to know the bun first, so I can't suggest anything.
Ooooh, is he ever cute! What a little love bun! Does he like snuggles? As for his name, what type of bunny names do you like? So sweet!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Ooooh, is he ever cute! What a little love bun! Does he like snuggles? As for his name, what type of bunny names do you like? So sweet!

I didn't handle him a whole lot last night since he doesn't know me. I wanted to just let him settle in. The few times I did hold him though he jumped up to my chest and snuggled in under my chin.

As far as names, I don't really know. For some reason I just don't like Thumper.

ETA: I thought there was a bunny on here named Thumper already and I was right. And he looks like mine too! I guess I am just trying to think of something more original.
So do you think since he's a boy he'll bond with Henri?

He's really cute and goofy under the cat LOL!


  • Bullseye
  • Spot
  • Sunny (he's next to mercury)
  • Harvey (Henri and Harvey sound cute together)

Bo B Bunny wrote:
So do you think since he's a boy he'll bond with Henri?

He's really cute and goofy under the cat LOL!


  • Bullseye
  • Spot
  • Sunny (he's next to mercury)
  • Harvey (Henri and Harvey sound cute together)

I have NO idea. I am not going to even attempt it for a while. I might just have an upstairs bunny and a basement bunny.

Henri and Harvey do sound really cute together.
Ok, so a little of his story. . . He was actually the pet of a girl that is about 10 years old I would say. He wasn't mistreated really but they didn't know how to take care of a rabbit either. They brought over some food for him which I had to throw out because it was the kind with all the seeds and stuff in it. He had never gotten hay before in his life either. I gave him some hay right away and he munched away at it all night and even ignored the few pellets I put in there for him which I guess is a good thing. He is small but he feels a little fat to me.

He seems to be very playful. He went right for the diggy box I gave him. He likes the ball and he even played with the slinky. (Henri ignores all of these things). I did sit in the little improvised run I made for him last night and he seemed interested in me, not really scared, but a little cautious of course.

I checked him over for any noticable signs of anything wrong and he seems pretty healthy. I know there is a lot you cannot see though so he is getting checked out soon. I probably shouldn't have let my cats around him before then but they are pretty much impossible to keep out of the basement when I am down there.

He chins stuff a lot, I guess that might have something to do with the fact that everything in my house probably smelled like wierd animals to him. Henri doesn't really chin stuff though either. I guess Henri is just calmer for the most part.

some random names I looked up at babynames.com they have the meanings for all the names too. I just started in the H's since you have Henri :)

Hani - means cheerful and happy in arabic

Haruki - shining brightly in japanese

Holden - from the hollow of the valley in english

Hotaru - firefly in japanese

and I have to go to school now, hope that helps somewhat. If you want to look for yourself the site is www.babynames.com :)
He's so cute. What a lucky Bunny he is. All of my Babies love those balls, they destroy them in no time.

Look forward to many more pictures of both of yours.


tundrakatiebean wrote:
Haruki - shining brightly in japanese
I really like that one. It fits him too. For some reason when I look at him, it always makes me think of a japanese anime character, not sure why though.
How about a French name to go with Henri?

This is what I came up with:

Remy or Remi

Hope that was helpful! I think I like Louis and Sebastien best.

Congratulations on your new boy! He's going to be one spoiled little guy! You'll know what to name him once you get to know him. He's very special. (LOVE the little black spot under his right eye! Too cute!) :sunshine:
Aww...what a cutie!! I don't know why, but the name Toby came to mind when I looked at his pictures...you name him whatever he says his name is, though. :D

Give him love for me!


maherwoman wrote:
Aww...what a cutie!! I don't know why, but the name Toby came to mind when I looked at his pictures...you name him whatever he says his name is, though. :D

Give him love for me!


He hasn't told me his name yet. I am sure he will soon though!

I sure will give him love for you. I am quickly falling in L:heartsVE with the little guy!
angoralvr wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Aww...what a cutie!! I don't know why, but the name Toby came to mind when I looked at his pictures...you name him whatever he says his name is, though. :D

Give him love for me!


He hasn't told me his name yet. I am sure he will soon though!

I sure will give him love for you. I am quickly falling in L:heartsVE with the little guy!

He sure sounds like my Fiver with that sweetness...and I'm HEAD OVER HEELS! :D

Doesn't take long with sweethearts like these! :D

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