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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
My stomach (well lower right abdomen) was hurting for the past 2 days and it was ALOT worse when I got up this morning. I was up really early which is usually impossible for me and decided to go with my mom to bring my Nanny to her doctors appointment. I never realized how much it hurt until we went over a speedbump at 50mph and I screamed. When we got to the doctors office my mom asked my Nanny's doctor (which is actually my moms doc too, our family physician) to check it out and he said he thinks it's appendicits. He wants to see if it gets worse or more symptooms come up over night and I have an appt at 2:40 tomorrow afternoon. Sorry if my typing is messy, I'm laying down and th laptop is on my legs because it hurts to much on my stomach. I can't exactly se what i'm writing because i don't feel like taking the time to look for my glasses.
Oh dear - my parents THOUGHT I had appendicitis once... I couldn't even walk... but it wasn't... can imagine how you feel right now :( Feel better soon xx
Omg, Sparky was laying on me, and it didn't hurt , more warmth then anything which felt great then he sat up and leant particularily on his left back paw.. which is my right side, where my appendix is. I pretty much threw him ontop of the couch =/
He's staring at me as if i'm nuts..
I wouldn't let it go too long. If it is appendicitis, it can get very bad quickly. You don't want it to burst. If it gets any worse I would get to the emergency room.

I hope you feel better quickly!!

I agree with slavetoabunny. I don't think the doctor should have sent you home. If your appendix ruptures it can cause serious health problems and can even be fatal. I second going to the ER especially if it gets worse.
I third that. If they suspect its your appendix you should go to the hospital and get properly checked out. If its your appendix you can go downhill quickly and if it bursts you can be in real trouble.

Yes, definitely go if it gets any worse. And a word of advice...if you do go to one of the ER's here, scream bloody murder when you walk through the doors so they'll look at you right away. I'm not sure what the Montfort is like these days, but I've been to a couple of the other hospitals for emergency visits and the wait to see a dr in each one lasted well over 5 hrs. (Went to the General ER a few years ago and there were only two other people in the waiting room; yet I sat and waited for almost 6 hours before I was even seen.)

:hug2:<--- to you; I hope you're feeling better soon...
If you do go to the ER make sure you tell them that you were checked by a doctor already and he thinks you may have an appendicitis and told you to come to the ER. If you just say " my stomach hurts" you will have to wait and won't be seen by a doctor right away.

Bassetluv wrote:
Yes, definitely go if it gets any worse. And a word of advice...if you do go to one of the ER's here, scream bloody murder when you walk through the doors so they'll look at you right away. I'm not sure what the Montfort is like these days, but I've been to a couple of the other hospitals for emergency visits and the wait to see a dr in each one lasted well over 5 hrs. (Went to the General ER a few years ago and there were only two other people in the waiting room; yet I sat and waited for almost 6 hours before I was even seen.)

:hug2:<--- to you; I hope you're feeling better soon...

My moms friend went into the Monfort for the same reason, Appendicitis and to this day (5 months ago) she's still in pain, and needs to go into another surgery because they didn't do the first one right. I'd most likely have to go to CHEO. Yeah, I went into CHEO for passing out twice and I had to wait 12 hours. By the time the doctor came around I felt great :grumpy:

I'm pretty sure I can make it until tomorrow at 2:40. I may not be able to sleep but i'll keep productive. It just hurts alot now, but when I stand up all the pain goes away. :?
I'm surprised the doc sent you home - if it is appendix and it bursts, it can be very bad.

You can lay on the floor on your back and raise your right knee to your chest..... what happens?
Brandy456 wrote:
thanks becca what wasd it?
Dunno...... we never did find out - i threw up and i felt fine after that lol!!

Hope you feel better soon xxx
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'm surprised the doc sent you home - if it is appendix and it bursts, it can be very bad.
I am also surprised you were sent home.
I had appendicitis when I was in the 3rd grade. My mom took me to the ER, and they admitted me right then. My mom didn't have insurance, so they decided to not to do surgery (they said if she'd had insurance, they would have just done surgery right away.) They did keep me in the hospital, and came in to take blood every couple hours. If my white blood cell count had gone up to a certain level, they would have done the surgery, no matter on the insurance. My bloodwork was very bad for awhile, but eventually started going down. I also had to be on a liquid diet while I was there, maybe to make the digestion easier and avoid taxing my system?

They finally let me go home after 3 days.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'm surprised the doc sent you home - if it is appendix and it bursts, it can be very bad.

You can lay on the floor on your back and raise your right knee to your chest..... what happens?
It doesn't hurt as much, thats the only way I can sit without it hurting a ton
I go for my appt soon, i'm terrified. He's probably going to send me for tests, right ?
Just one question.. I know it's stupid but im curious.
When you have surgery and they give you anestesia (or however you spell it) is it almost like you just closed your eyes for a second, then you wake up ?
Almost like when someone were to faint ? It feels like you just closed your eyes, opend them but there has actually time going on for the others ?
Not a stupid question. :)

I've had surgery twice, and it was just like closing my eyes and then waking up again. I didn't dream or anything, and it seemed like no time passed at all. (My MIL says she has crazy-wonderful dreams when she's under, but I didn't have that experience.)

If you're starting to feel better, you may not need surgery. Make sure you go to your appointment, and your doctor will do what's best for you. Try not to worry too much about it, everything will be fine.

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