Help!!! Please answer my questions!

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Feb 13, 2012
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Where do I start?

Hmmmmmmmm...! I WAS supposed to get my baby bunny sometime in Easter, but the breeder called me yesterday telling me there was a buck from her previous litter that's 8 weeks old and the person that was supposed to pick him up canceled on her. At first, my mind screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" because honestly, I'm not ready! But she sent me pictures of the darling~

He's a black and white Netherland Dwarf...and I fell. HARD! I just had to have him so I agreed to it and now I'm supposed to pick him up in 3 days!

The only thing that I have done so far was built my NIC cage, purchased a water bottle, food bowls, and a toy.

So my questions exactly do I make his new home comfortable to him?
His diet? Is it only Alfalfa hay and pellets (no snacks for his age?) -- A bite of dried papaya to help him adapt okay?
Can I mix his hay with timonthy or orchard grass? Or is he too young?
How do I get rid of the plastic-y smell from the water bottle?
Oh, and how do I make his litter box "appealing?"


P.S. -- any tips would be helpful!


Hey! Welcome to the forum :)

It sounds like you've already got a lot done. Make sure the NIC cage has somewhere he can hide (a shelf to hide under, a box to go inside or something). You'll have to see what he prefers, but one of my bunnies likes sleeping on an old sweater and some baby blankets, so you might want something soft and cozy available for him. You can probably wash the water bottle in the dishwasher, or just rinse it with soap (make sure all the soap gets out!) and that should help with the plastic smell. Alfalfa hay and pellets the only thing I believe young rabbits are supposed to have. We started introducing treats/snacks at around 3 months (very small, and few and far between). Between 4-6 months you can start on veggies and more treats. For his litter box, make sure there's some sort of bedding in it to absorb his pee. You can put some hay in the box itself or have a hay rack right next to it so he can munch while he does his business. I would get more than one thing for him to play with (or that you can rotate through his cage). It doesn't have to be fancy--mine like cardboard (not glossy, just plain), plastic measuring cups, brown paper bags, etc.

HAVE FUN!!! You'll have a great time with him. Be patient and enjoy watching him flop, jump, and wiggle his nose :)
Get some blankets (fleece) or something to put in the cage. If you want to use it instead of other litter (like shavings), then get a couple so you can change them out to wash.
Other things that could help are a bed, place to hide in the cage, soft toys and other toys. Since you don't know what he will like yet, don't buy too much until you can see what he does like.
Adjusting can take time depending on the rabbit. Some rabbits adapt quickly and act like they have lived there for every while others take longer and need more time. Try to keep the area quiet and calm for a couple days, the rabbit probably isn't used to a tv, radio or other noises that you hear on a daily basis.

I would not give any treats to a rabbit that young. Hay is the best thing to avoid digestive problems. With the move to a new home and new diet (pellets), it is a lot for a young rabbit. You should try to avoid too many new things at once, so save treats and other new foods until later.
Timothy and orchard grass are fine, but you may want to wait a little bit to give it. Again to avoid too many new things at once. As he settles in more and you can see what is normal, then you can give some different hay. Try to wait at least a week after you get him though.

You can try washing the bottle a few times. Use regular dish soap and hot water. Some vinegar can also work too. Make sure to rinse really well. Leave the cap off to let it air dry. The smell should go away eventually.

Since he is only 8 weeks, it may be tricky to litter train him. You can put the hay near or in the litter box to get him to go into it and hopefully use it. When he starts to pee and poop, you can sweep up the poops and put them into the box. Some rabbits will take to using it right away while others may take longer. If you notice that he uses a certain corner of the cage to pee and poop, you can move the litter box there.
Thanks for this topic. I am going to be a new dad - first time for bunnies. I'm picking them (Mini Lops) up on Friday. I did a lot of research. I built their duplex condo using storage cubes and coroplast. What a project!

I followed all suggestions from "My Dwarf Rabbit" and "Rabbits" magazines, along with info from other bunny owners. I bought a ton of fun things that I hope they like. We will see what they take a liking to. I think I'm ready. The only think I have to pick up is the Oxbow Essentials for Young bunnies - already have the Alfalfa Hay. When I post a proper introduction on the forum, I will be sure to share photos of my creation :)

Thanks for the valuable information!

Nancy McClelland wrote:
:yeahthat: covers everything we had to say.

Sounds like you are more prepared the most.

Have fun. Can't wait to see your new bunny.

K :)
PapaJoe wrote:
Thanks for this topic. I am going to be a new dad - first time for bunnies. I'm picking them (Mini Lops) up on Friday. I did a lot of research. I built their duplex condo using storage cubes and coroplast. What a project!

I followed all suggestions from "My Dwarf Rabbit" and "Rabbits" magazines, along with info from other bunny owners. I bought a ton of fun things that I hope they like. We will see what they take a liking to. I think I'm ready. The only think I have to pick up is the Oxbow Essentials for Young bunnies - already have the Alfalfa Hay. When I post a proper introduction on the forum, I will be sure to share photos of my creation :)

Thanks for the valuable information!


Welcome to the Forum. Congratulations on becoming "The Dad". Good for you.

Wishing you all the luck. Look forward to talking to another New Jersey resident like myself about bunnies.

K :)

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