HELP! My boy BB is suddenly being aggressive to his companion

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Aug 9, 2005
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Santa Rosa, California, USA
Can anyone tell me why my beautiful, mildmannered one year old neutered male (neutered about7 monthsago)would suddenly start showing signs of aggression to hiscompanion? She is about 9 months ago, and was spayed about 3months ago. For the last 2 months, they have beeninseparable, but all of the sudden (2 days ago) he started mounting herand displaying aggressive behavior! He's never beenagressive, even before being neutered. He was the one patientenough to get them getting along after her spay - (she tends to be alittle fiesty and bossy). He just kept loving her until theygot along, and now he's being a pickle. He even lunged at herthis morning because she didn't groom him for long enough! Itgot so bad last night that my son got bitten twice trying to break themup! I just don't get where this behavior came from.He is usually the most passive bunny on the planet and now all of thesudden he's alpha-male or something! Help!! Anyideas or suggestions?

Have there been any changes in their environmentlately? Have they been separated at all? Mine didthat when one of them went to get spayed and she was only goneforthe day.


No, no changes that I can think of.They share a room with my son, but each have their own cages that theygo to at night. During the day, they tend to go back andforth between the cages together. Their diet is the same,housing, etc. I just can't think of anything that could bedifferent. The first squabble came out of nowhere, and whenmy son came to get me I immediately assumed it was Lola since she isgenerally the fiesty one - but it's definitely BB. He justkeeps poking his nose at her in that challenging way that they do, ormounting her. Weird!
How is the temperature by you? Is your house unusually hot? Maybe jealousy over treats or petting?

It's also possible that BB is going through a late teenagestage. Even when they have been neutered, they can still gothrough age-related behavior changes.

If he keeps acting like this, you may want to separate them for a little bit and then rebond them.

Edit- any sign of changes in his health? Maybe he doesn't feel good and is taking it out on her.
Well, the tempurature has been mild, but I didthink about that and have made sure they have ice bottles anyway (incase they are feeling hotter than I am). One thing you saidhas really crossed my mind, but since is the first time I've had apair, I wasn't sure. BB was an "only child" for 5 monthsbefore we brought Lola home, and he's really a people bunny.He doesn't like to be picked up, but will lay next to you just as longas you're willing to pet him. Lola doesn't often stay stilllong enough to get petted, but I still try to give her attention asmuch as BB so they both know I love them. I think Lola getsjealous that I'm close to "her" BB, and I think BB gets jealous when Ipet Lola. I'm not sure about this, but it's a feeling I getby the way they act. I thought that may have something to dowith it, but I just don't know. Like I said, it was all sosudden. And the last point you make really hits close to home- and I have been watching him like a hawk for any signs ofillness. I don't see anything - he's eating as usual, playsas usual, and poops as usual. I'm always watching theirhealth because I lost a bun last year and it tore my heartout. I don't want to go through that again, and my husbanddoesn't want to have to go through it with me! I'm toldthough that sometimes the signs aren't always apparent. Isthere anything in particular I should be looking for? Like Isaid, I can't see anything obvious. I really appreciate thefeedback. My bunnies are my babies!


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